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The Incredible Power Of Beetroot : It Can Treat These 8 Diseases!

The Incredible Power Of Beetroot : It Can Treat These 8 Diseases!

benefits of beet

Beetroot is a root vegetable that is distinguished by its red color. This food provides a variety of nutrients to the body, including vitamins A, C, B9 as well as iron, magnesium, sodium, zinc and calcium, among others. Its energy intake comes mainly from its carbohydrates, but beet also contains a lot of fiber and has many health benefits. Let us take stock of the virtues of this super-food.

The benefits of Beetroot:

Improves blood circulation:

Beetroot is very rich in natural chemicals, known as nitrates. Following various chemical reactions in the body, the nitrates once ingested are transformed into nitrites. These have the ability to improve blood circulation by promoting the dilation of blood vessels.

Cleans the liver:

Beetroot is one of the best friends of the liver. Indeed, this vegetable helps to clean and strengthen the liver, while stimulating its functions. These actions, the beet owes them to betcyanin, the pigment that gives it its color and helps to eliminate toxins that can overload the liver and hinder its proper functioning.

Prevents cancer:

Thanks to its rich antioxidants, which fight against the effects of free radicals, beetroot helps to prevent cancer. The vegetable also contains betanine, a pigment that has been associated with decreased risk of skin cancer, liver and lung cancer, according to a study.

Reduces blood pressure:

According to a study conducted by researchers at Queen Mary University in the United Kingdom, a glass of beetroot juice would reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension. This effect is chiefly due to the nitrates contained in this vegetable, and which are converted into nitrites, favor the dilation of the blood vessels. The study was carried out on 64 patients, between 18 and 85 years of age, all suffering from this disease, but only half of whom undergo treatment. They were randomly divided into two groups, one consumed one glass of beetroot juice and the other the same juice, but without nitrates, every day for 4 weeks. As a result, the blood pressure of patients who consumed nitrate-containing beet juice became normal, their arterial dilation capacity increased by 20%, while their stiffness was reduced by 10%.

Treats constipation:

Beetroot is very rich in dietary fiber, especially insoluble fiber, which improves intestinal transit and can also act as a laxative. These effects have the result of facilitating the alley to the saddle and therefore to fight constipation.

Fight against anemia:

Anemia is defined as a deficiency in hemoglobin, substances naturally present in the red blood cells. This problem is often due to a lack of iron, which is an essential element in the production of red blood cells and hemoglobin.
Thus, thanks to its iron content, beetroot can be effective in fighting anemia, because it will enhance the production of red blood cells.

Good for the skin:

Beetroot is an excellent source of vitamin B9, also known as folic acid or folate. The latter participates in many functions in the body, including skin renewal. By consuming enough, would thus keep a healthy, firm and radiant skin.

Vitamin B9 is also essential for pregnant women, because its needs increase during this period. Folate deficiency is linked to serious malformations that can affect the nervous system or the brain in the fetus.

Protects mental health:

Rich in nitrates, beetroot helps improve brain function. Indeed, according to a study conducted in 2010 on the elderly, a diet rich in nitrates increases the blood circulation in certain regions of the brain, which would prevent and fight dementia.

Offers a feeling of well-being:

Beetroot contains a significant amount of tryptophan, an amino acid with many benefits for physical and mental health. In addition to facilitating muscle growth, tryptophan is also essential for the production of serotonin, also known as the wellness hormone.