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A Military Diet To Lose 3 Pounds In 3 Days! It Really Works !

A Military Diet To Lose 3 Pounds In 3 Days! It Really Works !

A Military Diet To Lose 3 Pounds In 3 Days! It Works

Have you tried different diets but none has borne fruit? This article is for you! Discover our 3 day diet that will allow you to lose weight quickly and sustainably.

To lose weight, there is no secret recipe: only a regular sporting activity and a healthy and balanced diet can lead you there. This is obviously not easy to achieve, and especially to follow. You really have to be rigorous and armed with patience to achieve your goal.

Recall that weight loss should above all be motivated by the desire to preserve its health and prevent many diseases such as type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular disease.

To help you lose weight quickly and healthily, here is a three-day diet to follow. This diet is mainly intended for women, but can also be followed by men, provided to add 100 more calories on a daily basis, preferably in the form of proteins.

3 Day Diet Plan:

During these 3 days of diet, it is important not to skip breakfast. Remember that this is the most important meal of the day!

Day 1
Breakfast Grab a half grapefruit, a cup of coffee or tea and a toast of bread complete with two tablespoons peanut butter.

If you do not like peanut butter or are allergic to this food, you can replace it with almond or hummus butter.

Note that you should not add sugar or milk to your morning drink.

does the 3 day military diet work

Lunch You should take half a cup of tuna, a full bread toast and water. Add steamed green vegetables and season with herbs.

military diet 4 days off

Dinner In the evening, eat 85 g of lean meat, a cup of steamed green beans, half a banana and a small apple.

military diet vegetarian

Day 2

Breakfast :Take a multigrain bread toast, a scrambled egg and a half banana.

military diet shopping list

Lunch For lunch, eat a cup of cottage cheese, a hard boiled egg and sugar-free whole wheat biscuits.

military diet results

Dinner For dinner, you can take a cup of sauteed vegetables and a grilled chicken breast.

military diet before and after

Day 3

Breakfast Eat 5 whole wheat biscuits, a slice of cheddar cheese and a small apple. The cheese can be replaced by an egg. And do not forget coffee or tea.

Military Diet Plan

Lunch Take a full bread toast, a hard boiled egg and a small salad.

3 Day Military Diet Menu

Dinner :For dinner, grab a cup of tuna a half banana and a glass of milk.

The 3-Day Military Diet

As you may have noticed, the goal of this diet is to reduce portions and calories gradually, for a more sustainable and effective weight loss.

Note that during this diet, it is forbidden to take snacks between meals or to consume alcohol. However, it is recommended to drink plenty of water.

This diet can adapt to vegetarians and vegans. These people can replace animal protein sources, by other vegetables such as lentils, chickpeas or beans.

It is important to follow all the guidelines of this plan in order to obtain satisfactory results. Also be sure to adopt a healthy lifestyle, after the end of this military diet to lose more unwanted pounds.