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11 Signs Of A Toxic Parent And How They Harm Their Children Without Realizing It

11 Signs Of A Toxic Parent And How They Harm Their Children Without Realizing It

11 Signs Of A Toxic Parent

There are all kinds of parents. Some are very strict and control every aspect of their child's life, while others are more flexible and allow the child to make decisions on his own. In all cases, it is clear that despite these different approaches, parents want everything that is best for their children. However, some of their behaviors can significantly impair their psychology. Let's find out which ones.

Unfortunately, some parents fail to be the best examples for their children. Certainly they are human beings who can make mistakes but some are more blatant than others and can mark the child forever.

As a parent, try to avoid these 11 behaviors because they hurt your children!

11 behaviors of parents harmful to children:

1- Do not create a security and support environment:

Some parents think that being tough and tough with their child will make them stronger in the face of life. It is true that this method will make the child an independent person in the future, but it will surely be difficult to maintain relationships and above all to give love and affection. The child must receive love from his parents and feel safe with them, whatever the conditions.

2- Criticize every behavior of the child:

Parents all want perfect children, but constantly repeating that they are in the wrong is not healthy as behavior. Negativity destroys the child's self-confidence and deprives him of all the motivation he needs to discover the world around him and try new experiences. Remember that a child must make mistakes to learn and distinguish right from wrong.
Parents should find a balance in communicating with their children: encouragement, thanks, reprimands, congratulations ... are all things that the child should hear.

3- Require attention:

Parents think that children owe them attention and interest at all times, on the pretext that they have made sacrifices for them. They do not understand that the child has his own life. Parents need to give their children a little space for them to develop and build their personality.

4- Make offensive jokes:

Making fun of her child or making a joke about her teeth or how she speaks can be hurtful to the child and mark him forever. As a caring parent, you need to care about your child's feelings and if you want to make a comment, do it in private and choose your words well.

5- Do not let him express his feelings:

Just like adults, children need to talk about their feelings and to exteriorize them. Negative or positive, an emotion must be expressed. Let your child cry or laugh, preventing it will have psychological consequences in the future. Always encourage your child to talk openly about his or her feelings.

6- To scare him:

Rules and discipline are important in a home, but the child must not be afraid of you, it owes you respect. Such a relationship will encourage children to talk to you, share their needs and concerns with you, and seek your advice.

7- Do not think together:

Parents should always take into consideration the views of their children. It is clear that parents know what is good for their children but there is no harm in having everyone included in the decision-making process. If you ultimately choose something other than what they want, make sure you explain them calmly and naturally why you made that decision.

8- To impose things :

It's selfish to make sure your child does the things you wanted to do when you were a child. For example, do not force your daughter to do ballet, just because you want to become a ballerina, or have your son study right, just to realize your dream of becoming a lawyer. Your child is a full-fledged person with dreams and aspirations.

9- To blackmail :

Love between parents and their children is unconditional. Under no circumstances should you promise gifts or money to the child as consideration for his affection. As a parent, do not try to buy love and respect for your child, win it.

10- To ignore it:

It is important to communicate with the child. Do not ignore it, especially when it asks for something or when to solve a problem. Take the time to explain that you are busy when that is the case, and that you will talk to him in a little while, and above all, keep your promise. As with any successful relationship, communication is the key to success. Adopting passive-aggressive behavior towards your child will not teach him much.

11- Do not impose limits:

To preserve the stability and permanence of any relationship, limits must be set and respected. To set an example for your child, try to keep your promises and respect your children so that they learn that respect is mutual. For example, knock before entering their room, especially when dealing with teenagers.