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This Ingredient Found In Your Kitchen Will Cure Your Hemorrhoids In 24 Hours!

This Ingredient Found In Your Kitchen Will Cure Your Hemorrhoids In 24 Hours!

This Ingredient Found In Your Kitchen Will Cure Your Hemorrhoids In 24 Hours!

Hemorrhoids are a set of dilated veins that are around the anal area and can occur for various reasons. They are internal or external and can affect anyone regardless of age. This frequent problem is very embarrassing and very painful. To relieve the pain of hemorrhoids and reduce their symptoms in a natural way, here is an effective remedy.

About one in two people over the age of 50 suffer from hemorrhoids. Major causes include constipation, obesity, pregnancy and loss of tissue tone due to aging. In addition, the symptoms may be temporary and easily recognizable. The affected person feels itching near the rectum area, sitting pain and bleeding during bowel movement. Generally, a haemorrhoids attack lasts only a few days, and then the symptoms may go away. Find out in detail the causes, symptoms and remedies for this problem.

Zoom on hemorrhoids:

Hemorrhoids are veins that are found in the anal region, precisely in the rectum. There are two forms of hemorrhoids, internal hemorrhoids that develop in the inner part of the rectum, form a kind of small protuberances and can advance outwardly as they evolve and external hemorrhoids that form at the level of the rectum and they are more sensitive.

How to recognize a hemorrhoid?

  • Itching and discomfort in the anal area
  • Burning sensations and swelling
  • Bleeding and slight pain at the time of defecation and even after.
  • Swelling and irritation.
  • The impression of having a foreign body in the rectum

Causes and risk factors of hemorrhoids:
  • Suffer from constipation and prolonged pressure on the blood vessels
  • Regular and chronic constipation
  • Obesity and overweight
  • Pregnancy and childbirth
  • The period
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol
  • Lift heavy objects
  • The consumption of too spicy dishes

Natural remedy for treating hemorrhoids:

Hemorrhoids are a very common disease and it is for this reason that we offer a home remedy made of cider vinegar that can be very effective in preventing, relieving and treating hemorrhoids.

Here's how to use apple cider vinegar:

In the case of internal hemorrhoids:

Take an ice cube tray, pour apple cider vinegar into it and freeze it. Then try to insert it into your rectum, like a suppository.

Remember to use a tray made of mini cubes.

In the case of external hemorrhoids:

Soak a cotton ball of apple cider vinegar and gently apply it on the affected part. This can cause tingling and small pains. We advise you to dilute the cider vinegar in a little water to prevent them. Repeat this trick every day if needed.

The benefits of cider vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar is a mine of benefits. It is very rich in nutrients and antioxidants, which help strengthen the immune system, facilitate digestion, treat skin problems and relieve colds. This ingredient is a good remedy for treating hemorrhoids thanks to its antiseptic, antifungal and astringent effects. The local application of cider vinegar can help you reduce swelling of the blood vessels and reduce itching and irritation and thus reduce the pain associated with hemorrhoids.

It is also advisable to drink plenty of water and practice a regular sporting activity at least half an hour each day. Athletic exercise will facilitate intestinal transit and reduce hemorrhoidal attacks. But be careful, do not choose aggressive sports like bodybuilding or a sport that involves a sitting position, such as riding or cycling.

It is recommended to consult an emergency medical specialist in case of intense and abundant anal bleeding. This sign may be a symptom of another disease in the anal area or a more serious health problem