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10 Plants You Should Have In Your Bedroom For A Better Sleep (they emit oxygen at night)

10 Plants You Should Have In Your Bedroom For A Better Sleep (they emit oxygen at night)


Professor Wolverton, an American researcher working at NASA, view, during the 1980s, the powerful depolluting capabilities of certain plants. Here are 10 indoor plants with excellent purifying and relaxing properties, due to their nocturnal oxygen emission.
Contrary to the principle of photosynthesis, that it is inadvisable to have fresh plants inside, especially at night, because they emit carbon dioxide, the following plants have strong purifying and relaxing properties, thanks to their nocturnal oxygen emission.
The process
Their leaves absorb toxic molecules in the air inside and convert it into organic matter on which they feed, via decomposition process exercised by the microorganisms. The leaves then emit water vapor, by the phenomenon of perspiration, which thus provides more oxygen.
They contribute, through this cycle of gas exchange, to cleanse the house of the main chemical pollutants, such as benzene, a pollutant contained in detergents and plastics; formaldehyde, a carcinogen that is found in paint and cigarette smoke; carbon monoxide, fatal poisoning source arising from the combustion of certain organic and tobacco; trichlorethylene, irritating the nervous system present in detergents and degreasers.
For efficiency, it is recommended to install different plant (broadleaf preferably) in each area of 9 to 10 m2.
1 - Jasmine
Jasmine produces small white flowers in the sweet fragrance. A study of Wheeling Jesuit University in West Virginia has proven the positive impact of jasmine on the sleep quality, due to its sedative properties. The essential oil of jasmine have relaxing properties, which fight effectively against anxiety and depression.
2 - Lavender
A 2008 study by a team of researchers from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, found that the scent of lavender allowed to lull babies. This plant would also soothing, and improving sleep.
3 - Aloe vera
Aloe vera is considered a miracle of nature. Its gel helps to heal cuts, stimulates digestion and has many healing properties. This plant also emits oxygen during the night, which help to cool the atmosphere of your room for a restful sleep.
4 - Valerian
An experiment conducted in 2004 by a group of neuroscientists in Japan helped to highlight the hypnotic effects of valerian. Inhaling the fragrance of petals stimulate the action of the aminobutyric acid in the brain, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate fear and anxiety. Mainly, the root of valerian have sedative properties used medically to fight against stress, anxiety and insomnia.
5 - gardenia
Scientists from the University of Düsseldorf, Germany, demonstrated through a study carried out in 2010, the gardenia would be just as effective as valium to calm anxiety attacks. They argue that setting up of a gardenia pot on your nightstand will enhance relaxation.
6 - The Chlorophytum Comosum - Spider plant 
The spider plant is a powerful air purifier that has the ability to remove up to 90% of formaldehyde molecules, as confirmed by a study conducted by NASA on the properties of depolluting plants. Thus having a chlorophytum vase on a shelf in your room, will help improve air quality.
7 - English ivy plant -Hedera Helix-
The same study NASA has certified the powerful purifying and refreshing properties of ivy, as a houseplant. This plant also accelerate the relief of allergy sufferers, by improving air quality. However, it could be toxic if swallowed. So it is best not to put it in a children's room and to keep well away from your pets.
8 - The Gerbera daisy
Besides its beautiful decorative petals, gerbera is a great purifier and air freshener, releasing oxygen at night. It is thus shown to promote sleep, thanks to the climate of freshness it brings.
9 - Spathiphyllum - Peace lily -
Spathiphyllum is an air freshener and helps bring freshness in a dry environment, increasing the moisture level of 5%. According to the Swiss Garden horticulture house, Gruyère Centre, this plant would absorb certain types of pollutants, such as benzene and trichlorethylene.
10 - The sansevieria Trifasciata -Snake plant-
The NASA study on sansevieria demonstrates that this plant is effective in filtering and purifying the air in your home, day or night. Its beautiful leaves of green and yellow participate further in the decor and interior refresh by emitting oxygen, which ensures a pleasant sleep.