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10 Secrets of Happy Couples!

10 Secrets of Happy Couples!


One Fact is certain, the couple relationship takes work. But the science of love shows that are discrete behaviors, not major overhauls, which can boost your relationship. We offer 10 easy adjustments to perform, based on what most happy couples are doing.
1 - They sleep a few centimeters from each other
It turns out that there are scientific benefits to sleeping in the position of the "spoon". A study by the University of Hertfordshire, 94% of couples who touch or brush reported being happy in their relationship (while 68% of those who sleep apart from each other say the same thing) .
2 - They speak good things
"We could all use a little positive reinforcement, says Dr. Terri Orbuch, expert in relationships. Many couples talk about what's wrong in their relationship, but research has found that those who focus on what works are happier in the long run than those who try only to 'adjust' their problems. " Love making is enjoyable? Communication is the point? Make a list of 5 things that go best with your partner and be diligent to strengthen these aspects according to Dr. Orbuch advice.
3 - They have simple acts of kindness
Jewelry, exotic vacations, surprises elaborate feasts - this stuff is great, but when it comes to a relationship, the great romantic demonstrations are not as valuable as the small gestures of love ( like watching the TV program for your partner or bring him his coffee in bed) according to a study of the Open University, UK.
4 - They have love making at least once a week
This point may be stressing you or make you dance for joy: a study published in the Psychological and Personality Science journalSocial discovered having love making once a week led to more happiness in a relationship. Glory to couples who are doing it more often!
5 - They upset the balance of the other
Work, sport, shower, sleep ... The routine is not very good for the relationship. "You have to get out of your routine to keep the excitement and passion, and research shows that the best way is to make small changes that you make out, teaches Terri Orbuch. New experiments are proved to the release of oxytocin, the hormone of happiness, in your brain. "
6 - They give each other the benefit of the doubt
"To stay committed, you have to think that the intentions of the other person are good - remember to go buy something at the grocery store is not a personal affront that he (or she) makes you - the truth is probably he (or she) just forgot, "says Dr. Suzanne Lachmann, a psychologist at New York. "Everything else, you have a good conversation or even a real hassle, you seem much more civilized (no having the upper hand) if you honestly think your partner has your best interests at heart," .
7 - They Take Showers Together
Save water and strengthen your bond? Here we are. A survey has found that happy men and women who are sensually satisfied are more likely to shower together.
8 - They Have Realistic Expectations
Setting the bar high is always a good thing. But have crazy demands (as expected the other to know all the time how you feel internally) will likely affect your relationship, according to a study published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. In other words, adjust the relationship problems to be solved and try to get rid of unreasonable expectations.
9 - They Put Aside Their Screens
A study published in the newspaper Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking has shown that avid users of Facebook often perform poorly in their relationships. Moreover, a survey of OkCupid dating site found that regular tweeters have shorter relationships. There is nothing wrong with being a regular user of social media, but be sure to talk to others too.
10 - They Make Compliments
"Beautiful picture", "You have done very well these pastes," "You assured to this task."
"Complimenting each other is a breeze and you should do it often, advises Dr. Orbuch. Many couples make the mistake of waiting for special occasions, such as birthdays or holidays, to express their feelings but revealing regularly to your partner that he or she is special makes most happy couples "