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13 Early Signs of Pregnancy After Menstruation Delay

13 Early Signs of Pregnancy After Menstruation Delay


The amenorrhea or absence of menstrual period is usually a symptom of early pregnancy. But sometimes this delay may be due to other factors such as hormonal disorders, a change of food habit, stress, extreme emotional states, taking certain medications, etc. To find out if you are pregnant or not, you can do a pregnancy test 5 to 10 days beyond the date of your period. If not, here are 13 signs and symptoms most revealing pregnancy!
It is true that the absence of menstruations is the most common sign of early pregnancy, but some women may have them regularly even being already get pregnant faster. Whether a fetus develops in you, be careful to signals sent by your body and we have gathered for you in this list.
1 - A Missed Period
If you have a regular cycle and you have missed a period, this may indicate that you are pregnant. The menstruations are a sign that the egg (ovum) is not fertilized and was thrown out of the uterus. The absence of menstruations can, however, reveal that the egg (ovum) is fertilized and it began its journey in your uterus to perform its implantation.
2 - Cramping and bleeding
Sometimes during the expected date of your period, you may see a trickle of blood in your underwear and feel pain in lower abdomen, toward the groin area. This may be due to the implantation of the fertilized egg (ovum) to the wall of your uterus to stretch the ligament supporting the uterus or the effect of female hormones that work to remove the uterine lining formed during the last cycle.
3 - Change in the breast
When fertilization occurs, the long journey of pregnancy has begun. The body begins to change to prepare for baby's arrival. Breasts are the first to be transformed. Indeed, they begin to swell, to grow heavy and become sensitive and even painful. This is due to the action of estrogen, which prepares for lactation. Because of increased blood flow in your breasts, you may feel tingling around your nipples are gaining size and color.
4 - Frequent Urination
The HCG hormone, also known as pregnancy hormone, increases blood flow to your pelvis and kidney, the operation is stimulated to ensure efficient and faster elimination of waste and toxins from your body, which explains your back and forth to the bathroom to pee. But if you have difficulty passing pee or pain during urination, it may be that you are suffering from a urinary tract infection.
5 - A darker coloring of certain parts of the body
Hormones flooding the body of the woman early in pregnancy have a stimulating effect on the skin pigmentation. This is why some women see their haloes and their genitals become darker. Gradually, as the pregnancy progresses, they may also appear brown spots on their face, their neck or some other body parts. This is what is called the mask of pregnancy.
6 - Fatigue
Since your body is in turmoil and your hormones are in full swing, you will probably feel stressed out, irritable and especially tired. You will need to take naps and rest more than usual to compensate for your lack of energy.
7 - Dizziness and Fainting
These fairly common symptoms during pregnancy are due to three main factors: hypoglycemia, the voltage drop and fatigue. We must therefore try to rest as much as possible and take sweet snacks (fruit, dark chocolate ...) to increase your blood sugar.
8 - High Body Temperature
At the time of ovulation, the body temperature rises a few tenths of a degree, stabilized for a few days before decreasing to return to its usual level. During fertilization, the progesterone level increases and the temperature will remain high. Thus, sustained high temperature is a sign of pregnancy.
9 - More developed sense
The taste and smell are the senses that change the most during pregnancy. Because of the increased level of estrogen in the body, many women are prone to changes in taste and smell. This usually creates cravings and unusual food dislikes, and an aversion to strong odors of perfume, soap and other scented products.

In some cases, the pregnant woman has cravings for non-food items (pica syndrome). This is a sign of deficiency and a medical consultation is required.
10 - Nausea and Vomiting
Nausea and vomiting, especially in the morning, are very typical symptoms and recurrent pregnancy. They can last from a few days to 9 months. But in general, they appear in early pregnancy to disappear with the end of the first quarter. To relieve them, you have to stay hydrated throughout the day and take it when you wake up breakfast. By day, it is advisable to consume nutritious but easy to digest and split your meal.

According to a study conducted by researchers from Cornell University in New York, the nausea and the vomiting are to protect the mother and her fetus from unsafe food. They prevent the mother to fall ill, especially their immune system is weakened by pregnancy, and to avoid the baby from exposure to substances that may impair its development.
11 - Impaired digestion
gastric reflux, constipation, heartburn ... so many digestive disorders that accompany pregnancy. Because of the increase in progesterone level, the muscles of intestine and esophageal sphincter slows digestion causes constipation and acid reflux. It is therefore recommended to avoid acidic foods, and too spicy gas that contribute to the onset of these disorders.
12 - Pain in Lower Back
If you start to experience discomfort or pain in the lower back, it could indicate that your ligaments are in the process of release to allow your uterus to take more volume and thus leave more space for your baby to develop.
13 - Shortness of breath
Once pregnancy starts, blood dilution is observed and therefore increased blood volume circulating in the body. This forces the heart to work harder to pump this amount and more, which causes shortness of breath and tiredness at the slightest physical effort. Gradually, as the fetus grows, your lungs will also work more to provide the necessary oxygen to the fetus and removing CO² it produces.