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2 Tips To Eliminate Cellulite And Easily Prepare Your Body For Summer

2 Tips To Eliminate Cellulite And Easily Prepare Your Body For Summer

Eliminate Cellulite Body For Summer

Often located on the back of the thighs and arms, cellulite is a real ordeal for women. Rare are those who escape regardless of their weight! Many of them are opting for chemical-based creams to get rid of it, forgetting that natural solutions can be equally effective. Check out these simple tips to remove cellulite quickly and effectively.
Cellulite, cellulite or orange peel is a cosmetic problem than a health problem. This accumulation of fat beneath the skin, which gives the skin an unsightly appearance, affects many more women than men. Indeed, about 9 out of 10 women are prone to cellulite, against 1 man in 50.
This phenomenon can affect the young as in older and does not concern that obese or overweight. Cellulite can also make its appearance among those with slimmer silhouettes.
There are 2 types of cellulite. The light is visible only when you pinch the skin and cellulite more pronounced or orange skin is apparent without pressure.
Risk Factors For Cellulite:
Among the main causes of cellulite, there are:
Genetic Predisposition: If your mother has cellulite, there is great risk that you also.
Hormones: Hormonal changes or imbalances, such as pregnancy, puberty and menopause can promote the appearance of cellulite.
Poor Nutrition: A diet low in fiber and high in fat, sugar and salt, introduced the breeding ground for the accumulation of fat and toxins.
Lack of sports: a sedentary lifestyle leads to weight gain and promotes the formation of cellulite.
Poor circulation, stress and water retention can also cause cellulitis.
How to get rid of cellulite?
There are many cellulite creams and a variety of techniques to eliminate cellulite. But why turn to these solutions when you can get rid of cellulite naturally.
For this, cider vinegar will be your ally! This product whose health benefits are well proven is also very effective against cellulite.
Indeed, in addition to improving digestion and promote transit, cider vinegar also helps to boost the metabolism to stimulate fat burning and therefore the reduction of cellulite.
Apple cider vinegar also can drain, remove toxins and remove fat cells. This means less cellulite!
Here are two tips to eliminate cellulite through apple cider vinegar:
2 tablespoons cider vinegar
A glass of water
2/3 of a teaspoon of honey for taste
Pour the cider vinegar in water and then add the honey to sweeten. Drink this drink every morning fasting to reduce cellulite quickly.
In dermal application:
1 tablespoon cider vinegar
¼ cup body cream
Mix apple cider vinegar and body cream carefully. Then, dip a clean towel in cold water, drain and place on the affected area. After a few minutes, you can apply the mixture prepared with a cotton on the area to be treated, before being wrapped in a plastic film.
Repeat this trick 3 times a week for best results.
Other Tips:
Drinking plenty of water to avoid dehydration and retention that can cause cellulite
Playing sports to keep skin toned and prevent fat accumulation
Eat balanced by focusing on lean protein and high fiber foods and avoid fatty and sugary products
Avoid stressful situations
Reduce consumption of salt and alcohol