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8 Simple Tips To Improve Your Eyesight Without Glasses or Laser Surgery!

8 Simple Tips To Improve Your Eyesight Without Glasses or Laser Surgery!

 Improve Your Eyesight Without Glasses

Many people suffer from eyesight problems. For some, the difficulty in clearly seeing close objects, while others have trouble distinguishing distant objectsTo resolve this issue, optingfor corrective lenses or more discreet contact lenses, or laser surgeryBut is there a way to gradually improve his sight without resorting neither to one nor to the other? Absolutely! Here's how.
Here are 8 Tips to help you boost your eyes and improve your vision:
1- Take Rest
Make sure you leave your eyes a few moments of rest for several times everydayJust close your eyes for a few minutes and lay down in a dimly-lit room. If you spend your day at your computer, remember to adjust the brightness of the screen so as not to tire your eyes.
2- Remove your glasses
If you wear glasses, you will need to try to spend some time withoutAccording to a study conducted by the Medical Journal of Ghana, 64% of university students think that glasses are dangerous for their eyes. This is also the case of a study conducted in Brazil, the only difference is that it is medical staff who think wearing glasses is harmful to vision. Remove them from time to time!
3. Massage your eyes
To do this, you simply roll your eye sockets. Otherwise, you can use other methods that involve using the thumb and forefinger to apply slight pressure on the area above the inner corner of your eyes. Massage your temples or the area of your scalp that is exactly behind your eyes that helps to improve blood circulation in eyes.
4. Adopt the rule of 20-20-20
Using your computer, you must take regular breaks. You can adopt the rule of 20-20-20: after every 20 minutes of using your computer, choose an object that is 20 feet (6 meters) from you and focus on it for 20 seconds.
5- Go To Nature Trips
It is necessary to spend more time in nature. If you are doing mountain hike or you walk in a park, you have less risk that your eyes are exposed to harmful light sources.
6- Apply warm compresses
Warm compresses are a method to treat eye problems and whose effectiveness has been proven in terms of hydration of dry eyes. All you have to do is apply a hardened piece of cloth in warm water (not too hot) on your eyes and press lightly.
7. Adjust your diet
It is crucial to incorporate into your diet the nutrients beneficial to the health of your eyes. This is why it is advisable to eat a daily basis large amounts of carrots and sweet potatoes, which are rich in vitamin A that is vital for good vision.
8. Strengthen your eyes
To improve your eyesight and strengthen  the muscles of your eyes, you can do this simple effective exercise  with the table belowFollow the lines of the arrows, observing the direction to which they pointIf this is the first time that you practice this kind of exercises, take the time to look for a few seconds at each symbol in order to understand its meaning, and then go throughout the whole examples given.