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9 Things You Should Never Do During Your Period!

9 Things You Should Never Do During Your Period!


During menstruation, all women (almost) have the edgy nerves and all men (almost) do not miss the opportunity to complain. When you have your period, you are often subject to many problems such as abdominal pain and hormonal disorders, to the point that leaving your bed can sometimes be a real struggle.
This period is often accompanied by annoying symptoms caused by bleeding and hormonal changes taking place inside your body. headaches, mood swings, appetite change, fatigue, excessive sensitivity, irritability and even aggression may emerge during these few days and disappear soon after.
To preserve your well-being and turn these days into a grueling impromptu vacation, here are 9 things not to do during your period:
1. Cooking
If you are in the kitchen preparing your meal while you have your period, you risk injury. How? The answer is simple: cook can not be done without using a knife! And if you have one of these anger flashes while you hold it in your hand, you easily could injure yourself or the person who has the misfortune to be there at the wrong time. That's why the best thing to do is stay out of the kitchen!
2. Use your mobile
The reason why you should not use your phone is very simple: you may call your ex. This is a time when your emotions are in full swing and your hormones fun to play tricks on you, which makes feel alone and abandoned and seek consolation with your ex! If only that was it! and if he refuses for one reason or another, you're going to scream with all the names of birds. So as not to commit the worst mistake of your life, stay away from your phone until the storm passes.
3. Make abusively exercises
The first thing to remember is: you're not big, you're just a little bloated because of menstruation. Once your period is finished, you will find your belly and your attractive figure! What we mean by this is that it's not worth rushing around your gym to circle machines for hours! Certainly, sport enhance the spirits and is good for the body. But you must know that you have not taken 1 or 2 kilos, you are just bloated. Be patient a few days and everything will be in order.
4. Watching romantic comedies
If you are single and you are menstruating, romantic comedies are not the best choice! Besides, even if you are a couple, are best avoided, celibacy might miss you ... A real headache! In short, remember that these people watching are just actors - very talented- but their story is fictitious and has nothing to do with reality!
5. Eat tons of chocolate
You have your periods so you need to stuff yourself with chocolate, it's called a cliché. We understand that you have cravings more pressing than usual, but this does not give you the right to eat a whole jar of spread! A few pieces of dark chocolate are enough. In addition, the craving will pass a few days later, but the calories ingested will need a little more time, do not forget!
6. Start a fight
This is one of the main things to avoid in this stormy period. You are irritated enough not to have, in addition, to manage a hassle! If you feel your blood pressure skyrocket during the discussion - especially with someone you care about greatly - try to calm down and count to ten before you speak. Otherwise, you may say hurtful words that you will regret later and ruin your relationship.
7. Get out of bed
If you are in a bad mood, stay in bed No bear to deal with your foul mood, so it would be best that you stay warm under your duvet to sleep some more. If you can, stay in your bed to regain balance and good humor. No hurry !
8. Housework
Your muscles are quite sore and tired. Do not request more to clean. The dirty laundry pile on the bedroom floor or dishes in your sink mountain wisely stay in place waiting for you when you get better. Enjoy a good time to rest and take care of it as soon as you like.
9. Too reflect
Your body is already suffering enough, why make your brain also suffer?
Do not worry, the Earth will not stop turning if you decide to do nothing for a few days. Rather, you relax to the fullest, you'll be plumb and more ready than ever to accomplish your daily role of Superwoman.
Do not take bad these tips! Of course you can go about your business as you used to do so throughout the month, it's just that it would be beneficial for you to stay in bed and let your body a chance to recharge during this time! That is all.