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A Miraculous Tip To Relieve Toothache In Seconds!

A Miraculous Tip To Relieve Toothache In Seconds!

Tip To Relieve Toothache

Toothache is one of the most painful and most difficult pain to resist. Caused by various factors, including poor oral hygiene, it prevents you from going about your daily chores or sleep. To help reduce the pain, time to get to the dentist and receive care in proper form, here is a simple and very effective tricks.
Before talking about the cure and tricks that will help you ease the pain that might cause different oral problems, it is important to understand the causes.

The causes of toothache

A diet high in fat or sugar: eat foods rich in fat and sugars that enhance the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the mouth are responsible for caries and gum inflammation.
Bad oral hygiene: do not brush your teeth after every meal or a quick brushing too often,  does not achieve optimal cleaning of the oral cavity and remove foods remains that stuck between the teeth and cavities which cause irritation of the gums and even bad breath.
Tooth cavity:  it is a hollow cavity that the tooth weakens and increases its sensitivity. It is due to the accumulation of waste acids of bacteria to the tooth surface, which dissolve the calcium, the main component of the tooth. The longer it takes to heal cavities, the more it progresses to reach the tooth nerve, causing intense pain enough.
Gum inflammation: gingivitis characterized by redness and swelling of the gums is favored by poor oral hygiene and an unhealthy diet. When it is not treated in time, it can cause gum retraction, increased tooth sensitivity or even tooth loss (periodontitis).
So if you want to preserve the health of your mouth and the beauty of your smile, it is important to have a rich and balanced diet that provides the body with different nutrients and minerals. In addition, a thorough brushing at least twice a day and ideally after each meal, for 2 minutes, is highly recommended.
To soothe and relieve your pain, it's time to visit to your dentist for appropriate care, here's a very effective remedy of grandmother.
A remedy against toothache
Before applying, you should know that this remedy is for adults only.
All you need is a cotton ball and a small amount of bourbon. Dip your cotton in the bourbon and apply it directly to the painful tooth or inflamed gums.
Bourbon has powerful anesthetic properties, anti-inflammatory and analgesic which numb the tooth or the gum pain and make the pain go away in just few moments.
However, be aware that this remedy has a temporary effect and does not exempt you from visiting your dentist.
Other tips to relieve a toothache
clove oil: rich in eugenol, a powerful natural painkiller, it will relieve you in no time. Simply pour a few drops on a cotton ball and then apply it against the painful area.
Salt and pepper: thanks to its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic, this combination is very effective to numb toothache. Mix a small amount of salt and pepper and add a few drops of water to make a paste that you can apply to the painful area. Leave on for a few minutes.