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Are You More Right Brained Or Left Brained

Are You More Right Brained Or Left Brained

 Right Brained Or Left Brained

Every human being uses part of his brain more than the other. If you get to know which hemisphere is dominant, you will learn crucial information about yourself.
Our brain consists of two hemispheres completely interdependent. These parts, both indispensable, exchange data constantly.
The use of part more than the other is quite common and operation of your hands is a concrete example: you more easily use one or the other. The vast majority of us especially uses his left hemisphere. This is quite normal because the language, which is our major human characteristic, headquarters there. It is the part of all that separates animal man to know the logic, reasoning, intelligence etc. The right hemisphere, it is home instinct, feelings, and imagination ...
Knowing which category you belong to, you will understand how you process information and send to interact with others.
The left brain
The left brain is primarily characterized by verbal and logical reasoning. If you use your left hemisphere you will try to understand in detail and rationally a situation to better analyze it.
Whereas, if you use your right brain, you will see things holistically, through images and insights to better understand the details then.
When the left brain will show you the way, it will probably tell you to walk 1640 Feet east on such avenue then go south in such a street and stop 328 Feet left. Gibberish to a right brain but perfectly understandable words for a left brain because they are sequential and rational.
The main features of the left brain:
  • Responds to directions and verbal instructions
  • Analyzes the situation step by step to better address the problem
  • Compares the differences
  • Everything is organized and structured
  • Prefers information confirmed and verified
  • More comfortable in written and spoken
  • Do not let himself be overcome by his emotions
  • Prefers organized structures
  • Communicates through speech
The Right brain
Right brain indicates the way you have to follow such as the road from the toy store in the supermarket on your right, go past the first traffic light, stop at the yellow building on your left and turn to the gas station ... If you are a right brain as a person who tells this way of information that will be very useful for this very clear description, will help you more easily find what you are looking for. The brains rights are intuitive and quickly make decisions.
The main features of the brain rights:
  • Responds to affection
  • Slice the thorny issues with foreboding
  • Compare similarities
  • fluid and spontaneous is
  • Prefers unsubstantiated information
  • Loves to draw and is good with his hands
  • Comfortable with open questions because it can give free rein to his imagination
  • Relies on feelings and emotions
  • Favors human connections
  • Based on comparisons
  • Communicates by emotions
Why must understand these two concepts?
The advantage of knowing what part of your brain dominates give you the means to develop your cognitive and creative abilities. Without feeling inferior, this knowledge of yourself is supposed to help you in your daily interactions. What is your dominant hemisphere, you will reap plenty of admirable qualities. Anyway, there are many activities to help you develop one side or the other