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Avoid These Foods If You Want To Have a Flat Belly

Avoid These Foods If You Want To Have a Flat Belly

Avoid These Foods If You Want To Have a Flat Belly

This small canister that refuses to go away is not always due to weight gain. This may simply be the result of poor digestion! If you want to flaunt a flat belly for this summer, you need to avoid certain foods.
A balanced diet (not processed) combined with regular physical activity is the key to losing weight and have a flat belly. But sometimes even following this rule, it can be difficult to obtain the perfect hourglass figure.
Indeed, in some cases, small belly bounced is not due to poor diet or hormonal imbalance, but a digestion problem. Some foods, although beneficial to health, can be difficult to digest and may cause bloating and abdominal swelling.

Here's a list of foods to avoid or eat in moderation to get a flat belly:

Hot peppers
Although some peppers like cayenne, are known to increase weight loss, they are not recommended when you want to have a flat belly.
The peppers can irritate the colon and cause troublesome symptoms such as diarrhea, bloating and flatulence.
Milk is also part of foods to avoid to regain a flat belly. This food can indeed be difficult to digest because it contains lactose. For this substance to be digested, it requires lactases called enzymes, which are not sufficient for some adults.
Thus, consuming milk may cause troublesome gastrointestinal symptoms including bloating, which does not help to have a flat belly. Rather it is recommended yogurt from goat's milk; as they contain bacteria that help in digestion because of fermented milk products.
Salt and flat tummy certainly not mix. Indeed, salt enhances water retention in the tissues and inhibits its evacuation. Result: swollen body and bloated stomach, which makes you feel that your weight is stagnant, or you have gained weight. Worse, salt can also cause more serious health problems such as hypertension.
But beware, it is not here to completely ban salt from your diet, but to eat moderately. Try to raise your dishes opting for herbs and spices, to limit the use of salt without losing flavor.
Also, avoid refined salt or "table salt", opt for natural sea salt or Himalayan salt, with many benefits.
Also be careful with foods that contain lots of salt as the charcuterie.
Carbohydrates are essential to our body because they represent the main source of energy. However, all carbohydrates are not good for health. Indeed, there are two types of carbohydrates:
- Simple carbohydrates that are digested quickly and increase the level of sugar in the blood, which enhances fat storage.
- Complex carbohydrates that facilitate transit and are digested more slowly by the body, providing a lasting feeling of satiety.
It is recommended to favor complex carbohydrates rather than simple. These can increase the risk of diabetes and enhance weight gain, but also cause a swollen belly.
If your goal is to have a flat belly, you need to barter the products made from refined flour for the wholemeal bread and wholemeal pasta.
The fruits
The fruits are excellent for health and can even help to lose weight. However, it is advisable to consume them in moderation because they contain fructose. This is a natural sugar that is also found in honey. Fructose is not bad for health, but if consumed excessively, it can cause digestive problems including bloating.
This is not a call to stop the consumption of fruits, but rather to moderate. 2 to 3 servings of fruit a day is enough to enjoy their nutrients. It is best to eat them early in the day, or as a snack.
Opt for fresh fruit rather than commercial fruit juices which are riche in fructose.
Finally, it is also important to get ride of sugar and processed foods from your diet, and drink lots of water so as to get the desired results.