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Get Rid Of Fat With This Detox Recipe Of 2 Ingredients

Get Rid Of Fat With This Detox Recipe Of 2 Ingredients

 Detox Recipe Of 2 Ingredients

Everybody dream of having a healthy body and a shapely figure. However, our bad eating habits and our sedentary lifestyle, we have more and more difficult to keep the line and avoid weight gain. To help remedy this, we offer this fat burner drink recipe based on 2 natural ingredients, that are effective and very beneficial to your health.
Weight gain and fat accumulation in the body are problems experienced by many people around the world, and have a negative effect both on their health and their appearance.
The overweight and fat deposits, especially in the abdominal area, will not only cause loss of body harmony, they also increase the risk of several diseases such as hypertension, diabetes type 2, cardiovascular disease ...
Besides, the INTERHEART study found that belly fats accumulation results in multiplying the risk of heart disease and increased risk of myocardial infarction by 19%.
To help you detoxify your body, and eliminate those extra pounds by burning fat. Here's an easy recipe to prepare.
Fat burning recipe
  • 1 kg of limes
  • 400g of celeriac
Wash the celery root and cut into 400 grams in small pieces and add 2 liters of water. Grate a little lemon zest over the mixture, then boil for 20 minutes. Then remove from heat and let stand for 5 to 6 hours. Squeeze the lemons and pour the juice over the mixture cool, then strain and store in refrigerator.
How to use:
Consume 100 ml of this mixture 3 times daily before meals. If the drink is too strong for you, you can be diluted in a little water. Take a 10-day course, which can be renewed 3 times a year.
Why this drink is effective?
This vegetable is rich in fiber, vitamin C, minerals and water. It helps to improve digestion and promote intestinal transit, and to boost the function of liver and kidneys, which helps to eliminate waste and toxins responsible for fat storage.
It also has a diuretic effect that helps eliminate excess fluid in the body to fight against the phenomenon of water retention and cellulite reduction.
Moreover, the consumption of celery root has a regulatory effect on appetite: it inhibits cravings and sweet cravings.
Moreover the celeriac help you stay hydrated and boost the ability of your immune system.
Caution: the consumption of celery root can lead to allergies, especially in people allergic to pollen.
This citrus taste acid is a powerful slimming ally. Thanks to its high vitamin C and antioxidants, it boosts the immune system and helps the body fight against free radicals responsible for the production and accumulation of fat in the body.
Furthermore, acidity stimulates the secretion of gastric juices and boosts liver function, which helps to improve digestion, and stabilize sugar levels in the blood, meanwhile it eliminates waste and toxins that accumulate in the body.
It also has a toning effect that combats the lack of energy, that most people compensate by snacking sugary foods.
Note: For best results, it is advisable to adopt a healthy diet rich with fruits and vegetables ;besides, regular physical activity and being well hydrated by drinking at least 1.5 liters of water a day .