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Here's Why SMS May Blur Couples

Here's Why SMS May Blur Couples

The tone of voice can not be played in a written statement. This means that your brain can imagine the tone behind the words as you read. And it's so easy to make a fantasy relationship without knowing what feels the person on the other end! Too often we read through what has been written and it creates misunderstandings, which can destroy your relationships.

Taking the time to learn controling communication will serve you well in all areas of your life. You can say anything to anyone, but it's all in how you say it.
When we meet someone, we teach him how to treat us, whether consciously or unconsciously.

If meet someone and want to have a serious relationship, texting are perfect for a type of communication only. Examples: "I'm on my way," "Come to the coffee" or "I'm 10 minutes late."

But relationships can go wrong due to misunderstandings via email or text message. How to cure it ? It's simple: do not send. Claim the type of communication you prefer. Ask your girlfriend  or boyfriend  to call you instead of texting you. This way you can easily eliminate people who do not take relationships seriously.

This does not apply if you just want to have fun and are not looking to settle down in a relationship. If you want more, it is for you to show that you do not content yourself with less; the man who likes you and wants a relationship with you will do what it takes.

Young women in particular want to be courted. Yet they are the ones that do all the work, leaving no space for men to reverse the trend. Know that the right person will bend over backwards for you and try to make you happy. If you think that such a man does not exist, you must get rid of this limiting belief and look for self-esteem.

Limit written communication is beneficial at every stage of a relationship, whether for a first date or after 40 years of marriage. It's never a good idea to tell how you feel by texting or send a novel to someone who expects a reply impatiently.

If you are really eager to make a relationship, do kindly inform your boyfriend to call you if he wants to see you. Once you have expressed the kind of communication that you want, ignore the messages like: "how would you like we meet one day? ".