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How To Recognize A Heart Attack In Advance!

How To Recognize A Heart Attack In Advance!

Recognize A Heart Attack In Advance

Many people succumb to heart attacks because they are generally not treated in time. This problem is causing 30% of deaths. Know the symptoms and warning signs that may warn of the onset of a heart attack, is very crucial so as to be able to deal quickly and prevent any complications. Signs may differ for each person, and are certainly not the same in men and women. Here are the signs of a heart attack, women must know.
What is a heart attack?
heart attack occurs when a coronary artery is blocked, due to the accumulation of atheromatous plaques (fatty deposits), or blood clots on its walls. Result: the blood flow to the heart is interrupted, resulting in the death of heart muscle area. The severity of the consequences caused damage or essentially depends on the duration of the blockage of blood flow.
Heart attack can be caused by various factors, including: alcohol, diabetes, smoking, obesity, stress and high blood pressure.
The signs of a heart attack for women:
It is also very important to note that the symptoms of a heart attack are quite different for men and women. They are very often less distinct and less evocative in females, which can respond or describe them in a different way, thus inducing a late diagnosis or completely wrong. This can have fatal consequences. That is why it is important to learn to recognize these  signs that can save your life.
Here are the signs of a heart attack not to ignore and especially not to be confused with symptoms of other diseases:
Chest pain:
Chest pain is undoubtedly the most common symptom of heart attack for women as well as for men. The person may feel heaviness and pressure in the chest, and intense pain that can spread. Chest pain is persistent, they do not disappear after 2 or 3 minutes. So if you experience pain in the chest that lasts more than 30 minutes, call an emergency number.
Discomfort in other parts of the body:
In case of heart attack, it is very common to feel discomfort in the arms, back, jaw, neck, and shoulders. There may be pain in the stomach or abdomen. When these symptoms are accompanied by chest pain, it appears important to consult a doctor.
Difficulty breathing:
Feel shortness of breath can also be a sign of a heart attack. Women may experience a sudden difficulty breathing, which, is associated with fatigue, that can be misdiagnosed. This problem is actually the result of the impact of the crisis on the cardiac pump mechanism.
Nausea and vomiting:
Women should be very careful about certain signs that may indicate digestive disorders. Nausea, vomiting, belching and stomach pain are symptoms that are automatically associated with a digestive problem, so they can announce a heart attack.
Other symptoms:
Sweating, restlessness, dizziness, unusual fatigue and incessant hiccups are symptoms that should not be taken lightly. They are often mistaken for flu-like symptoms, while it may be warning signs of a heart attack.
How to prevent a heart attack?
Adopting a healthy lifestyle is undoubtedly the solution to prevent various health problems and especially heart attacks. According to WHO, 80% of premature heart attacks can be prevented by having a balanced diet, doing regular exercise and avoiding tobacco use. These recommendations were supported by the results of a scientific study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.
Scientists who followed 20,721 Swedish men between 45 and 79 years old from 1997 to 2009, concluded that 4 of 5 men can prevent a heart attack by having healthy behaviors by having a balanced diet, being physically active, stopping the tobacco and reducing the consumption of alcohol. The researchers also noted that the decreased risk of heart attack increases with the adopted healthy actions. For example, a man may see a reduced risk of heart attack by 35% if he takes healthy food, does exercises for an hour a week and 40 minutes of cycling or walking daily. Whereas people who follow all the rules mentioned can reduce the risk of heart attack by 86%.
In addition, scientists believe that the fact of adopting a healthy lifestyle can also reduce the risk of heart attack for women.