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The Best Natural Laxative: Eat This And Empty Your Bowels

The Best Natural Laxative: Eat This And Empty Your Bowels

The Best Natural Laxative

Do you suffer from constipation? Discover a natural and effective laxative to relieve and treat constipation naturally!
Constipation is one of the most common health problems. It can result from a lack of physical activity, poor food hygiene, inadequate water consumption, lack of dietary fiber, among others. It is manifested by irregular bowel movements and difficulty to evacuate stools.
To prevent and relieve this condition, you can opt for some simple and easy tips like:
- Consume a sufficient amount of water (at least 1.5 liters per day)
- Encourage the consumption of foods rich in fiber (fiber stimulate transit and contractions of the intestine)
- Exercising regularly (sport helps stimulate the intestines and strengthens the abdomen by promoting intestinal transit)

What are the symptoms of constipation?

The constipation symptoms vary from one person to another, but are usually manifested by:
- Gases and burping
- Pain and abdominal cramps
- The bloating
- Loss of appetite
- No stool for more than 2 days
- From hard stools, small size and difficult to evacuate
- Prolonged efforts to evacuate the stool

Natural recipe to treat constipation

There is a natural remedy based on natural laxatives that may help to relieve your constipation!
Here's how to prepare a jam prunes to treat constipation:
  • - 150 g of pitted prunes (1 cup)
  • - 150 g of pitted dates (1 cup)
  • - 5 cups of hot water (or less than 5 cups if you want a thicker texture)
- In a pan, place the dates and prunes cut into small pieces and add hot water and cook over low heat until smooth.
- Then put the mixture in a glass jar and store it in the refrigerator.
You can consume 1 tablespoons of this laxative jam after breakfast and a second after lunch to relieve your constipation. You can mix this with prune jam with your cereal, your juices or smoothies. You can also toast with.
On the other hand, you can put 3 or 4 prunes in a glass of water and let stand overnight, then eat them the next morning.
You can adopt this treatment for ten days or until disappearance of your constipation.
Benefits jam with prunes
Prunes are an excellent source of fiber. They are rich in dihydroxyphénylisatine, a compound that helps to stimulate contractions of the digestive system. Prunes also contain a substance known as sorbitol, it is able to relieve the symptoms of constipation and stimulate the stool in just hours.
Dates are considered a natural laxative. Rich in soluble and insoluble fiber, they help to regulate bowel movements and prevent constipation. Dates are also rich in nutrients, and help build healthy bones and prevent anemia.