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5 Magical Benefits Of Eating 3 Dates Daily : Things That Happen To Your Body

5 Magical Benefits Of Eating 3 Dates Daily : Things That Happen To Your Body

Benefits Of Eating 3 Dates Daily

Sweet and delicious, dates are a pleasure for the taste buds but also a concentrate of benefits for the body. These little nuts are actually a cocktail of nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of our body and have several health benefits. Discover the benefits of consuming three dates per day.

Fruit of the date palm, dates are a high energy food and nutritional value. They are complete, nutritious, healthy and bring many benefits to our body.

Dates consist mainly of carbohydrates (sugars: fructose, sucrose, and glucose) and provide a low fat intake. They are the friends of the athletes, because carbohydrates are the primary fuel for muscles. Dates also contain many vitamins and minerals, including calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, copper, vitamins of group B (B2, B3, B5 and B6) and vitamin C.

Dates are also powerful antioxidants, thanks to their high content of carotenoids that protect body cells against damage caused by free radicals. Note however that dried dates contain less than fresh dates.

Thus, dates are very energetic little fruit, with multiple health benefits. 

Here are the 5 benefits of eating 3 dates everyday:

1 - They improve digestion

Dates are excellent for the digestive system. Rich in dietary fiber, they improve digestion, to prevent various digestive disorders. Indeed, dates are composed of 43% soluble fiber and 57% insoluble fiber. Both substances are essential in the digestive process because they help regulate and facilitate transit and thus help eliminate waste.

Thus, eating dates daily will be used to prevent and relieve constipation, but also diarrhea.

Note that eat three dates per day (25g) provides the body 2g fiber, 5 to 8% of the recommended daily intake.

2 - They relieve and prevent anemia

In anemia, dates are a preferred food. Indeed, these fruits are extremely rich in iron, which plays an important role in the body. This mineral element that the body can not synthesize, is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin in red blood cells, but also myoglobin, which stores oxygen in the muscles. Iron also participates in various enzymatic reactions. It is essential for the proper functioning of the body and a deficiency of this mineral can cause several problems, including iron deficiency anemia.

In short, eating dates daily to increase your iron intake! 

3 - They maintain bone health and boost the immune system
To maintain good bone quality, slow decline and prevent diseases such as osteoporosis, it is very important to opt for a balanced diet and taking care of your bones!

Dates are a food of choice, because they contain a lot of calcium and magnesium, which are essential to keep bones strong and resistant. Note that about half of the magnesium in the body is stored in bones and teeth, while calcium is concentrated to about 99%.

Dates also help to strengthen the defenses of the immune system due to their richness in vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B9, also known as folic acid. The latter plays an important role in the immune system and also participates in the renewal of body cells, including blood cells.

4 - They boost energy

Dates contain large amounts of carbohydrates, which makes it a very energy food! These berries are rich in sugars, including fructose, glucose and sucrose and are perfect to give an energy boost, especially if prolonged or intense sports activities.

However, it is important to consume in moderation, especially people watching their weight. 3 dates per day are more than sufficient to bring you a great deal of energy, provide vitamins and minerals and delight your taste buds.

5 - They protect cardiovascular health

Eat dates every day to maintain your cardiovascular health! Indeed, dates help prevent cardiovascular disease, due to their high content of antioxidants that prevent fat accumulation in the arteries, and magnesium. This mineral plays a fundamental role in the body and is participating in lipid metabolism. It helps maintain a regular heartbeat and blood pressure control.

According to the results of various scientific research, low magnesium intake is linked to a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease. A deficiency in this mineral also helps to promote the oxidative stress in the arteries, which has the effect of altering the walls of blood vessels.

So take full of magnesium by eating three dates per day!