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8 Signs That Your Kidneys Are In Danger

8 Signs That Your Kidneys Are In Danger

Signs Your Kidneys Are In Danger

Kidneys are vital organs with multiple functions. Following various factors, they may experience problems that will affect the whole body. Generally, kidney or renal diseases are asymptomatic, which makes them quite difficult early diagnosis. The signs of these diseases are often taken lightly or confused with symptoms of other less serious conditions. That is why it is very important to know the early signs of kidney disease. Here are 8, not to be overlooked.

The kidneys, like all vital organs, play a very important role. In addition to filter the blood and remove waste and toxic substances that can accumulate in the body, kidneys produce hormones involved in some important functions such as red blood cell production and the regulation of blood pressure. The kidneys also have the function of regulating the quantities of minerals and water in the body.

When the kidneys fail, or not correctly, the result is a serious impact on overall health, hence the importance of knowing detect kidney disease, including kidney failure, in the early stages.

The most common symptoms of kidney problems:

1 - Swelling
When the kidneys are damaged or do not work well, they find themselves unable to filter the blood. They can not get rid of excess fluid, which then accumulate in the body and cause edema (swelling), especially in the ankles, feet, hands and sometimes the face.

So be very careful when you see this kind of sign that can announce kidney failure.

2- Changes in urine
The kidneys are the organs responsible for the production of urine, so their failure inevitably leads to urinary problems. In renal failure, patients may experience the following symptoms:
  • Difficulty urinating and feeling pressure
  • Pain during urination
  • Frequent urination at night
  • colored urine darker or lighter
  • Weak or more abundant urine
  • Foamy or bubbly urine

3- Itching
Itching accompanied by dry skin can also be a sign of kidney disease. The kidneys are unable to perform their function, toxins accumulate in the body, which causes tingling and itching all over the body.

However, itching can be caused by high levels of phosphorus in the blood. The phosphorus present in excess in the body has a tendency to bind to calcium. Result: the formation of crystals that cause itching.

4- Fatigue
The accumulation of toxins and waste products in the blood due to poor filtering through the kidneys, can lead to persistent fatigue. But this problem can also be caused by another factor, also related to renal dysfunction.

The kidneys function to produce erythropoietin. This is a hormone that stimulates the production of blood cells by the bone marrow gouges.
If kidney disease, these organs do not function properly, causing a decline in the production of erythropoietin, leading to a reduction in the level of red blood cells. These errors result in anemia, which is always accompanied by fatigue.

5- Lack of breath
As fatigue, shortness of breath can have two causes. The first is related to the presence of excess liquid, not filtered by the kidneys, the lungs, which in the long run, can interfere with breathing.

In addition, the lack of breath after a while not strenuous activity may be the result of anemia that appears due to kidney failure.

6- Metallic taste in the mouth
Metallic taste in the mouth is mainly due to the accumulation of waste in the blood. People who suffer from kidney disease less appreciative of their food, which also have more the same taste, and gradually lose weight.

7- Pain
Among the most common symptoms of kidney disease, there is the pain in the lower back and side. Topics may experience pain in one side or both, depending on the case. This usually indicates a problem of kidney stones, kidney infection or kidney failure.

8- Impaired concentration and dizziness
Following the bad blood filtration and lower secretion of erythropoietin, the brain does not get enough oxygen to function properly. Result: concentration problems, and dizziness.