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7 Signs That You Are In Bad Relationship

7 Signs That You Are In Bad Relationship

7 Signs That You Are In Bad Relationship

All of us have already happened to be in a rather uncertain relationship. You like it, but you can not tell if it's reciprocal or not. She throws you signals, makes you soft eyes, but can have a totally different behavior a few days later. This type of "relationship" is quite complicated and can put you in delicate situations since you do not know how to react. Discover 7 signs that show you are in a complicated relationship.

You can not detach your look from him

The most logical behavior would be to act as naturally as possible. But what are you doing? Completely the opposite. Since you are not really sure of his feelings, you do not detach your eyes from him and only discuss with him, even when you are in a group. Very subtle!

Obviously, these reactions are uncontrollable, but it will take more effort to hide your feelings. For if your lover has not yet captured your signals, your surroundings certainly!

You track him on the Internet

If before, track down someone you liked was limited to following it as a shadow, in the 2.0 era, resources are more numerous and require less effort!

In the interest of knowing all the news of your lover, you do not hesitate to follow him on all the social networks. You have the reflex to check his profile every time you log in, and you are looking for and love all his publications and photos. You do not hesitate either to go back well to check his old publications, so you want to know everything about him. Nothing escapes you! But be careful that this does not turn to obsession ...

You are jealous

In case you are not officially together, your so-called boyfriend can seduce other girls, which is quite normal. If you venture into the comments of her social media publications, you'll see, for example, that she drags other contenders, or even makes them soft eyes when you're sitting next door. This naturally puts you out of you, but you can not exteriorize or react if you accept this uncertain relationship for a while. Ask yourself what kind of future might have this relationship, and draw the consequences.

You are trying to get his attention

It's been a while since you exchanged complicit glances, but your lover still does not take the first step? You then try to pull out the big game. You pay more attention to your appearance by wearing more attractive outfits and take care of yourself.

You also try to have more physical contact with him. You kiss him every time you see him, touch his arm in full conversation or touch his hand "accidentally". You do everything you can to make your point. Only, these gestures are not always discrete and can in the long run make you a sticky person. Due to too much attention, you could scare him away!

You do not know how to behave in his presence

As soon as your lover is there, you lose control. You do not know how to act, or what to say. You may also smile on your own and say anything without thinking. You're excited to see him, but still can not let him know, which makes you behave in a somewhat weird way. This person really makes you feel!

You constantly want him

It is enough that you look at his photos so that all your senses are in stir, or that he sits beside you so that you have a craziness of him. Your feelings are so strong that it is difficult to hold you back. But you do it anyway, because you do not know what his reaction might be.

Ask your friends for advice

You feel that the feelings you feel for this person are constantly growing, while you are still at the starting place. A desperate situation that prompts you to talk to your friends, so that they can help you. Only, at this point, the only advice they can give you is not to rush things because you are friends and nothing more.