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9 Strange But Effective Tricks To Lose Weight

9 Strange But Effective Tricks To Lose Weight

9 Strange But Effective Tricks To Lose Weight

Getting rid of those extra pounds and those bumps that dangle from all over the body is the goal that many people throughout the world struggle to achieve. Draconian diets, slimming massages, targeted exercises ... they tried everything, but to no avail. If you are part of it, this article brings together 9 strange but effective tricks to lose weight. Let's take a closer look!

Before knowing the tricks that will help you lose weight quickly and efficiently, you should know that the results can be very short-lived, if you do not pay attention to your daily routine and lifestyle. To make them last, be sure to adopt a healthy and balanced diet, rich in fruits and vegetables necessary for the proper functioning of your body. Also drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and help your body eliminate waste and toxins that promote weight loss. Above all, stay away from stress and exercise moderate but regular physical activity to tone up your figure and firm it up.

9 Strange but Effective Tricks to Lose Weight:

1 - The military diet
Spread over three days, the military diet is very effective at losing weight, and fairly easy to follow because it contains foods considered prohibited in the usual slimming diets. Peanut butter, vanilla ice cream, tuna, etc. It promotes the feeling of satiety and activates the metabolism of fat burning.

2 - Cold water

Drinking water in large quantities is very beneficial for the body, since it helps to stay hydrated, to avoid the phenomenon of water retention and to get rid of the waste and toxins that attack it and favor the overproduction And fat storage. For a little boost, prefer cold water, because the body will spend more calories to warm it up.

3 - Apple cider vinegar

Naturally rich in vitamins and minerals, apple cider vinegar is very effective for weight loss. Improving digestion and intestinal transit, it helps to relieve digestive disorders such as bloating, flatulence or constipation. It also helps regulate blood sugar levels, boost the immune system and activate the metabolism of fat burning.

Caution: Excessive consumption of cider vinegar can cause gastric irritation and inhibit the action of certain drugs. Seek advice from your doctor if you are under medical treatment.

4 - The bread-lettuce

If you're a big fan of burgers and sandwiches, it would be hard for you to stop eating them. To reduce your caloric intake and lose weight, prefer homemade burgers and sandwiches that do not contain industrial ingredients high in fat, sugar and salt, and replace your bread with good lettuce leaves.

5 - The pole-dance

Combining dance and acrobatics, pole-dancing or dancing to the vertical bar allows you to burn calories while making you softer and enjoying a good time. It will also help you strengthen your muscles and sculpt your silhouette, while adding a new seduction asset to your account.

6 - Water with grapefruit

Grapefruit water is a very effective tip that will help you feel fuller faster, which will allow you to reduce the amount of foods and calories ingested. Simply mix grapefruit juice with cold water and consume 230 ml, 30 minutes before your meals.

Caution: Grapefruit interacts with certain medications and can cause serious complications. It is recommended to have a medical opinion in case of treatment.

7 - Food film technique

To dislodge fat deposits and eliminate cellulite that has taken refuge in different parts of your body, apply anti-cellulite treatment such as coffee grounds or sugar mix and a moisturizing body lotion. Do an energetic massage for a few minutes, then wrap yourself with food film, which you keep all night. Its heating effect will facilitate the combustion of these fats.

8 - The cure of juice

During this treatment, you are not allowed to eat for 2 to 3 days. All you can do is to drink fruit juice or vegetables in order to detoxify your body and eliminate all waste and toxins that cause excessive production and storage of fats.

9 - The vegetable feast
You guessed it, you are allowed to eat only vegetables, but at will, for 3 to 5 days. You can eat broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, sweet potatoes (but no potatoes), and so on. Thus, you reduce your daily calorie intake which will be reflected on your weight