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If You See This Ear Piercing, This Is What It Means

If You See This Ear Piercing, This Is What It Means

 Ear Piercing What It Means

If you have ever suffered from a migraine, you know how much pain can be unbearable. According to the Migraine Research Foundation, the United States, nearly 18% of women and 6% of men suffer from chronic migraines. Migraine is not just a bad headache: it completely undermines the body and causes hideous pain on part of the head. People who regularly suffer are desperate for care, even a piercing!

What is migraine?

Migraine is a painful sore and throbbing headache that may be accompanied by a number of symptoms including diarrhea, vomiting, a feeling of imbalance, dizziness, and extreme sensitivity to light and / or noise. The attack can last from 4 to 72 hours.

Most people turn to the use of pharmaceuticals to overcome their evil. But do you know that piercing you a specific part of the ear, you can ease the pain? You're probably wondering what a gem attached to your ear might help you get rid of your headaches ...

Here is how this piercing helps people get rid of migraine:

If you are not only a fan of piercings but also that you regularly suffer from migraines, you will love this idea. The "daith piercing" or branch of the helix existed for over 3000 years, but this name only appeared in the 90 This part of the ear through the nearest cartilage of the ear canal and seems to cross ear when viewed from afar. Drill this zone works the same way as practice acupuncture for pain relief.

Therefore, acupuncturists working on this pressure point to treat people who suffer from migraines.

In other words, break the skin allows the blood vessels present around this area to open and so stimulate blood flow and facilitate its arrival to local tissue. During acupuncture, the needle penetration into the skin that the body releases endorphins. The piercing of the branch of the helix works exactly the same way.

No study actually confirms these facts but the American magazine The Daily Migraine interviewed a wide range of readers for their testimony on the consequences of the piercing on their migraines and the responses were all positive. The frequency of their migraines had significantly dropped (or disappeared) and in case of crisis, the pain was much more bearable. However, be careful to infection and clean your ear if you decide to take the plunge.

Natural methods to combat migraine:

To prevent migraine, it is necessary to adopt a healthy diet, enough sleep and avoid stress and its triggers.

But if you happen to suffer anyway, try relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, or just breathing exercises.

also use essential oils to massage your skull or take a foot bath. Indeed, peppermint is a potent analgesic with many relaxing properties on the central nervous system, and rosemary is an excellent painkiller, very effective against pain caused by menstruation and migraine. Valerian, meanwhile, has relaxing and sedative properties that relax the nervous system and brain. Finally, passionflower oil is also convenient because it treats the symptoms of anxiety and stress.