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She Mmakes Her Own Slimming Pills At Home, More Effective Than Those Sold In Pharmacies

She Mmakes Her Own Slimming Pills At Home, More Effective Than Those Sold In Pharmacies

 Slimming Pills At Home

It is called Ela Gale and it is a great consumer of slimming pills. But not just any: she makes her own slimming pills at home. And the height is that it works!

Making your own slimming pills is possible! This idea never crossed anyone's head until El Gale got into it. She took inspiration from the slimming pills bought in pharmacy to make her own - pills more natural, and especially more effective.

What is the danger of pills purchased in pharmacy?

There are of all kinds, some are intended to cut hunger, others to burn fat and others to prevent their absorption. But what do we really know about the danger they represent?

Pills purchased in pharmacies represent a greater danger than you can imagine. Some contain extracts of thyroid hormones in order to lose weight, but according to Dr. Guy Grand, they lose more muscles than fat. They also reportedly caused more than 16 hospitalizations and 1 death in France due to incompatibility.

Other pills purchased in pharmacies would have more side effects than efficacy because of their very doubtful composition. They would be partly responsible for depression, anxiety, constipation, dry mouth and tachycardia seen in their consumers.

Thus, it would be more judicious to accompany his diet slimming of a treatment homemade only composed of natural products!

What do the homemade pills contain?

Homemade pills, unlike pills purchased in pharmacies, are made only of natural foods, specifically a very varied mix of spices. These nutrients are intended to increase metabolism and cut hunger in order to speed up the process of weight loss.

The pills Ela manufactures contain ground cinnamon, cayenne pepper and turmeric. Their taste is nonetheless very pronounced because of their natural composition.

The Benefits Of These Home Pills

These pills have the particularity of being initially curative and detoxifying, then slimming.

The benefits of turmeric

Turmeric has many slimming virtues. It helps to dislodge cellulite and prevents it from getting embedded in the body. It is very rich in vitamin C, beta-carotene and curcumin which act as antioxidants. It eliminates toxins from the body and promotes fat burning. It is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, remineralizing and invigorating. It is advisable to consume it with black pepper because it stimulates the bioavailability of curcumin. Since the body does not have the capacity to absorb all the curcumin, the pepper boosts this absorption.

Caution: Turmeric is not recommended in case of gallbladder disease, medication, pregnancy or hot flushes.

The Benefits of Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin, which has the effect of increasing body temperature and stimulating the process of thermogenesis, which accelerates metabolism and generates a higher energy expenditure. A study shows that Cayenne pepper increases metabolism by 25% for 3 hours after its consumption. This spice also has the particularity of limiting the secretion of insulin in the body, which promotes the storage of fats. And finally, Cayenne pepper has a detoxifying and appetite suppressant effect on the body.
Caution: This spice is not recommended for persons allergic to chili, who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome or hemorrhoids.

The benefits of cinnamon

Cinnamon is excellent for losing weight. Just like Cayenne pepper, it increases body heat and metabolism and promotes the burning of excess calories and fats. It reduces glycemia in the blood and therefore the production of insulin, which promotes weight loss. This spice promotes intestinal transit and detoxifies abdominal fat.

How to make them?

  • Capsules empty of drugs for sale online or in specialized stores
  • Ground cinnamon
  • Ground turmeric
  • Ground Cayenne Pepper

Take a container in which you will put equal amounts of cinnamon and turmeric and half for Cayenne pepper. Mix them to distribute them equally.

Then, open a capsule in half and put the mixture in one part of the capsule then in the other, and make sure to leave enough space to close it.

Finally, close the capsule by screwing it well and put it back in an empty capsule box.

Consume these pills twice a day, in the morning and evening before eating. You will be very amazed by the effectiveness of these natural pills.