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5 Mistakes To Avoid When You Kiss

5 Mistakes To Avoid When You Kiss

5 Mistakes To Avoid When You Kiss

Kissing is one of the most common and expressive signs of affection. Whether a kiss is tender and affectionate or torrid and attractive, it must be done according to the rules of the art. So that you can enjoy it without anything spoiling this moment of intimacy and pleasure, here are 5 common mistakes to avoid absolutely!

In a relationship, the kiss occupies an important place and plays several roles at the same time. This is one of the most popular preliminaries of the love making act, it is also a way of expressing one's love to one's partner and an effective indicator of the quality of the relationship between the couple. Moreover, this little sweetness of everyday life has fascinated scientists who devoted to it a whole branch of their knowledge: philamatology. Among the studies carried out under the latter, a passionate kiss would have the same reducing effect on stress as eating a whole tablet of chocolate!

To revel in it until you lose your breath, avoid committing any of these 5 very common mistakes but actually dull the desire to do so.

The 5 common mistakes to avoid absolutely during a kiss:

1 - Have bad breath

A real kill-love! Who would want to kiss someone who smells garlic or alcohol? So if you want to carry out your romantic project and drink again and again with the sweetness of your partner's lips, your mouth hygiene must be irreproachable. Brush your teeth and tongue thoroughly after your meal, and use a refreshing mouthwash. Also avoid foods and drinks that promote bad breath such as garlic, onion, coffee or alcohol, and be sure to stay well hydrated. In addition, if you have a decay or gum inflammation problem, it is mandatory to consult your dentist for treatment.

2 - Be impatient or aggressive

In the heat of the moment, some people let themselves be carried away by their own desire and forget to listen to their partners. They can be aggressive or impatient, to the point that it becomes painful! In this case, the kiss loses all its sensuality and becomes a punishment and not an act of seduction. To avoid all this, try to tame your momentum and be attentive to your partner's reaction. If he / she does not follow the rhythm and remains reserved, slow down and let him / her take the reins.

3 - Bringing your tongue in force

According to many couples, the French-Kiss or the kiss with the tongue is very exciting. But sometimes, some people have a hard time doing it, especially if they are in early relationship and are not yet quite comfortable with their partner. This is why, you must always go in stages, to know whether your partner agrees or not. Do not try to force your tongue into your mouth, for fear of provoking a negative reaction, such as a retching. Do it rather in a sensual and teasing way, touching the lips of your partner with the tip of the tongue and then, depending on his reaction, dare more or leave it for another day.

4 - A kiss too wet

Each of us has a small preference as to which parties to kiss at his partner. The mouth, the cheeks or the tip of the nose, the essential thing is that this is done without causing discomfort for the person kissed. Avoid kisses too wet, which leave traces of saliva on your partner, especially in the face. A little disgusting, anyway!

5 - Inadequate hand movement

In the game of seduction, body language is very important. Each of your gestures has a meaning and an effect on the person in front of you. For example, if you are kissing and keeping your hands in your pockets or along your body, this can be interpreted as a lack of interest on your part and will have on your partner a cold shower effect . 

It is therefore best to hold your face in your hands, caress the neck or play with your hair. Be natural and relaxed, and let yourself be guided by your mutual desire.