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14 Reasons Why You're Always Tired

14 Reasons Why You're Always Tired

Reasons Why You're Always Tired

Lack of sleep is not the only thing that saps your energy. Some things you do (or do not) you mentally and physically exhausted and can make your days a chore. Here, experts explain you what habits are harmful and which to integrate to regain energy.

1. You give up sport when you are tired

Make me dead on your sport to save energy turns into reality against you. In a study by the University of Georgia, sedentary people who started to do 20 minutes of moderate sports three times a week reported feeling less fatigued and more energetic after six weeks. Regular exercise boosts strength and endurance, helps your cardiovascular system to operate more efficiently and delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues. So the next time you are tempted to pour on your couch, go at least do a little work, you will not regret it.

2. You do not drink enough water

Being even slightly dehydrated (only 2% of your normal amount of liquid) affects your energy level, Amy Goodson, dietitian for the Texas Health Ben Hogan Sports Medicine: "dehydration causes a reduction in blood volume making the blood thicker. Suddenly, the heart pump less efficiently, reducing the rate at which oxygen and nutrients reach the muscles and organs. "

3. You do not consume enough iron

"Iron deficiency can make you lethargic, irritable, weak and unable to concentrate," says Amy Goodson. It makes you tired because less oxygen travel in your muscles and cells. "You need to increase your iron intake to reduce your risk of anemia by eating lean beef, kidney beans, liver, eggs, green leafy vegetables, nuts and peanut butter. Best to accompany them with foods rich in vitamin C as this enhances iron absorption. Warning: iron deficiency may be due to an underlying disease, so if you feel symptoms, you should consult your doctor.

4. You are a perfectionist

You need to try to be perfect - which, admit it, is impossible - you work harder and longer than necessary, says Irene S. Levine, psychiatrist professor at New York University School of Medicine: "you rely goals that are so difficult or impossible to reach the end, you are never satisfied with yourself." It recommends relying a deadline for your projects and keep you there. At that time, you will realize that the extra time that you spend to complete your work did not make him better.

5. You make a mountain out of a molehill

"You assume that you will be returned when your boss calls you for an unexpected meeting or you too scared to bike because you care to have an accident", then you are suffering from "doom and gloom". "This anxiety paralyzes you and mentally exhausted," says Dr. Levine. So when you find yourself having any of these thoughts, take a deep breath and ask yourself if it is really likely that the worst happen. Out, meditate, play sports or share your concerns with a friend can help you overcome this thought and become more realistic.

6. You skip breakfast

The food you eat provides the fuel your body and when you sleep, your body continues to use what you consumed at dinner to circulate your blood 1 4 2 56 March 64 Health + Magazine So when you wake up in the morning, you need to refuel with breakfast. If you jump, you'll feel lethargic. "Eat breakfast like putting fire to your body giving a boost to your metabolism, Amy Goodson recommends a breakfast including complete grains, light protein and good fats.

Examples: cereal with protein powder and a bit of peanut butter; or smoothie that includes fruits, protein powder, skim milk and almond butter; or two eggs with wholemeal toast and a light Greek yogurt. Breakfast including complete grains, light protein and good fats. Examples: cereal with protein powder and a bit of peanut butter; or smoothie that includes fruits, protein powder, skim milk and almond butter; or two eggs with wholemeal toast and a light Greek yogurt.

7. You live on junk

Stuffed foods sugars and simple carbohydrates with a high glycemic index, an indicator of how quickly carbohydrates augment the level of sugar in your blood. Constant peaks sugar levels followed by rapid falls, which causes fatigue during the day, said Amy Goodson adds that we keep a stable blood sugar by eating light t complete protein grain at each meal. Meals are preferred chicken (baked, not fried) and brown rice, salmon and sweet potatoes or a salad with chicken and fruit.

8. You do not know say "no"

Everyone happy is often at the expense of your own energy and your own happiness. So be it football instructor who made your request you to make cookies for the team or your boss asks if you can come to the office next Saturday, you do not have to say 'yes' . In the long run, it could even make you resentful and constantly angry. "Train yourself to say" no "loudly, advises Susan Albers, a psychologist at the Cleveland Clinic. Begin to say it alone in your car. You hear yourself say it out loud will make you easier to tell when you need it. "

9. Your office is a mess

A mess in office exhausted mentally restricting your ability to concentrate and limit the ability of your brain to process information, according to a study from the University of Princeton. At the end of each day, make sure your work and personal affairs are organized and stored under lock and key. This will help you start the next day in a good mood. If your office needs a complete overhaul, follow by step to avoid being completely overwhelmed: start by sorting the top of the desk, then proceed methodically, furniture after another drawer after drawer.

10. You work during your vacation

Check your emails while you should relax by the pool makes you a candidate for burnout. "Disconnect" and allow you to really relax allows your body to your brain to regenerate and return to the highest office. When you take a real break, you are more creative, productive and efficient in your return to work.

11. You report your emails on time to bed

The glare of a tablet, smartphone or computer screen backlight can air plug the circadian rhythm of the body by suppressing melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep cycles and eve explains Dr. Towfih. Sensitivity to light digital technology toys can vary from person to person, but it's generally a good idea to avoid technology one to two hours before bed, says Dr. Towfih. You can not prevent you to take a look at your appliances before putting his head on the pillow? Then hold it at least 35 centimeters from your face to reduce the risk of interfering with your sleep.

12. Rely on caffeine to keep all day

Start your morning with a coffee injection is not a problem - in fact, studies show that drinking up to three cups of coffee is a good thing - but use caffeine inappropriately can seriously disrupt your sleep cycle, Dr. Towfih. Because caffeine blocks adenosine, the byproduct of active cells that make you sleep when it has accumulated, said the doctor. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine shows that consuming caffeine six hours before bed affects sleep, so store your coffee in the middle of the afternoon.

13. You go to bed later during the weekend

Spending a party time on Saturday night and sleeping late during Sunday causes difficulty falling asleep on Sunday night, and therefore, a lack of sleep on Monday morning, Dr. affie Towfih. Because remain cloistered at home can hamper your social life, try to wake up an hour or less normal on Sunday morning and take a nap in the afternoon. "A 20-minute nap allows your body to recharge its batteries without going into deep sleep cycles, which would make you wake up more tired," said Dr. Towfih.