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9 Things That Should Not Be Said To A Person Of The Virgo Sign

9 Things That Should Not Be Said To A Person Of The Virgo Sign

The Virgo Sign

Each person has their own lot of qualities and defects. If qualities are always welcome to hear, the defects are not always well taken, according to the person to whom you are dealing. The natives of the Virgo sign are particularly sensitive to criticisms or comments about their person. If you know one, avoid telling him these 10 things!

The signs of the zodiac can tell a lot about the character of each person, according to his date of birth. Each sign is distinguished by different character traits. Some are considered qualities, while others are taken for defects. But, depending on the character of each, confronting a person with his faults can be difficult to accept.

The natives of the Virgo sign, in particular, do not always take the remarks or criticisms positively. Here are the 10 things that you should never tell them:

1 - You are discreet:

Virgin women are distinguished by a rather reserved character. They are very discreet people who do not like to be the center of attention or to be noticed by everyone. They also prefer sobriety so that they can go unnoticed.

So do not try to make a comment about their way of being or pushing them to change. You will risk making them angry!

2 - To be too careful:

Often treated with cleanliness and storage, Virgin women are usually quiet only when everything is tidy. They have a very good sense of organization and apply it wherever they are; At the office, at home ...
This organizational mania also reflects their perfectionism. If everything is not perfect, they certainly are not at ease!

3 - You are control maniacs:

Being very organized, the natives of the Virgin sign plan everything in their life. Nothing escapes them and nothing is left to chance. In their daily lives, these people do not know the lax, the mess or the unexpected. Everything is programmed and organized.
These habits and this way of life are not always appreciated by those around them.

4 - You are constantly anxious:

In order to do everything perfectly and keep everything under control, the natives of the Virgo sign are generally very anxious or anxious. These people are always afraid of not doing enough and worry all the time not to please their surroundings, among others. These feelings, adopted by default, can however be a real obstacle for their well-being and that of the people who surround them.

5 - You are mysterious:

Discreet and rather introverted, Virgin women often pass for mysterious and impenetrable people. They do not share everything and always keep their lives for themselves.
However, this type of behavior quite cold pushes people to take their distance and may even be the source of disputes.

6 - You make your "lady know-it-all":

Being aware of their many qualities, the natives of the Virgo sign tend to give lessons to others. Not that they think they are superior or take other people high, but they have the habit of making them morals, because they think they know a lot and do everything correctly.

This attitude obviously annoys their entourage, since after all nobody appreciates lessons of morale! Only, if they make the remark, the latter will certainly feel embarrassed, because their act is not intentional.

7 - You are jealous:

Virgin women are reputed to be jealous and possessive. They do not support the idea of seeing their friends or partner, very close to someone else. For them, these people "belong to them".

This feeling of jealousy, which can be sickly in some cases, arises from their fear of being abandoned and sometimes their lack of self-confidence. Only, this problem is often the cause of disputes and ruptures of couples, especially, because the person feels choked!

8 - You are sensitive:

Being sensitive has its advantages and disadvantages. If this character trait shows that the person is very empathic, can feel the pain of others and put themselves in their place, it also indicates that this same person is a little susceptible and does not accept criticism. The natives of the virgin sign can melt into tears or react badly, if they are made a remark.

This excessive sensitivity is certainly not easy for their loved ones, because they are always afraid of their reaction.

9 - You are boring:

Due to their predictable nature, Virgin women can be a little annoying. With them, there is no room for the unexpected, the adventure or the surprise, you can anticipate everything!