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Tip To Stop Having Irritated Thighs

Tip To Stop Having Irritated Thighs

Tip StopIrritated Thighs

We are no longer in the summer, but no question of putting the skirts and dresses in the closet! However, these garments are often accompanied by a small concern: rubbing at the thighs. This problem which is accentuated when it is very hot is a real calvary for some. Here's how to prevent it through 5 very simple tricks.

Imagine this scenario: it's very hot outside, so you decide to put on your favorite dress. After a few minutes of walking, you feel a discomfort at the level of the crotch. And the more you sweat, the more
Is accentuated! Walking becomes embarrassing, and your thighs painful.

A very common episode that many women face in the summer. When wearing a dress or skirt, the skin touches and following the effect of heat and perspiration, friction causes irritation. These are usually burning, unpleasant, just unbearable!

But rest assured, giving up your skirts and dresses or wearing shorts underneath are not the only solutions to avoid this problem.

Here are 5 tips to prevent thigh friction:

Baby diaper rash creams

The creams for the baby's backside are very effective to avoid the irritations caused by the friction of the thighs. Remember that the skin inside the thighs is very fragile and sensitive, which makes it vulnerable to friction.

To prevent this annoying problem, apply some baby cream to the areas of friction. Its oily texture will allow the thighs to slip while walking rather than rubbing.

It is however advisable to apply this cream before putting on your dress or skirt, in order to leave the skin enough time for it to absorb the product. In this way, you will avoid staining your clothes.

Corn flour

Corn flour can be used for various purposes, including the prevention of thigh friction. This natural product, highly prized for preventing redness and rash of infants, is also very effective against sweating, in this case that of the area between the thighs.

Apply a little corn flour to areas subject to friction, if you want to put on a dress or skirt, to prevent irritation. Corn flour will absorb moisture and promote hydration of the skin. Your thighs will slip and the annoying rubbing will not take place!

But although the trick of cornmeal is effective, its effect is not sustainable. To prolong the protection, it will be necessary to restore regularly during the day.

Insulating creams

Insulating creams, also known as anti-friction creams, are essential for athletes, but can also help prevent thigh friction.

Indeed, these products very prized by the sportsmen make it possible to protect the skin against the irritations, to reduce the heating, and are very resistant to perspiration. They act by creating a kind of layer that protects the skin from friction and provides a feeling of freshness.

These insulating or anti-friction creams can be found in all sports shops. If you are going to spend all day outside, do not hesitate to take it with you to reapply.

Also be aware that these products can be used to prevent friction in other areas of friction such as the feet!

Lace Strips

These large strips, garter belt style, are probably the solution to avoid the friction of the thighs. The strips placed at the friction zones are very effective in preventing irritation. Featuring small adhesive tapes, they attach to the thighs and do not slip while walking. Just be careful not to place them under the backside to prevent them from rolling up.

At the same time practical and comfortable, the strips also bring a feminine touch to your underwear!

The deodorants

This product that reduces sweating in the underarms can also have the same effect at the inner thighs. Indeed, the deodorant will help to decrease the sweating in this zone, making it possible to reduce the risks of painful friction.

Apply to areas of friction before putting on your dress or skirt. Do not forget to choose organic to avoid all the chemicals contained in the classic deodorants.