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6 Proven Ways to Eliminate The Bloating If You Have Pounds of Retained Water in Your Body

6 Proven Ways to Eliminate The Bloating If You Have Pounds of Retained Water in Your Body

6 Proven Ways to Eliminate The Bloating

Water retention is a very common phenomenon that results from an accumulation of fluids in the body and manifests itself in a general swelling of the body, especially in the joints, legs and feet. It is due to several factors that can range from mere inactivity to heart failure. So discover the factors that favor its appearance and the tricks that will allow you to get rid of it!

Water retention is a very common phenomenon that causes the appearance of bumps or edema, medically speaking, in certain parts of the body. It can also be the cause of a significant and unexplained weight gain, up to 3 kilos in 24 hours only.

Whether it is caused by insufficient water intake, excessive salt intake, prolonged immobility, heat, or the intake of certain drugs, water retention can be particularly troublesome, sometimes even painful. To get rid of it, here are 6 effective tips to apply daily!

6 tips to reduce water retention and relieve the feeling of swelling:

1 - Avoid excess sodium

The first advice that doctors give to a person suffering from water retention is to avoid consuming sodium chloride, or simply salt.

Indeed, sodium plays a very important role in maintaining the hydration balance of the body, regulating the concentration of salts in internal fluids, and in the function of enzymes.

However, several scientific studies have shown that too much sodium intake causes the retention of fluids in the body, because it allows to attract the molecules of water inside the cells. This is why it is important to consume it in moderation. Avoid adding too much salt to your recipes and stop consuming processed or preserved foods known for their high salt concentration.

2 - Increase your intake of magnesium

According to a scientific study published in the Journal of Women's Health, taking 200 mg of magnesium per day has the ability to reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, including water retention.

You can therefore add to your daily diet, foods that contain a large amount, such as nuts, whole grains, spinach and peas.

3 - Increase your vitamin B6 intake

In addition to magnesium, vitamin B6, which is a fat-soluble vitamin naturally present in several foods, is also effective against various symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

In fact, a study published by the Journal of Caring Sciences and carried out on two groups of women showed that vitamin B6 provided considerable relief and effectively reduced the retention of water when it was taken Before the rules.
You can find them in bananas, unpeeled potatoes, meat and nuts.

4 - Eating more foods high in potassium

Potassium is a mineral that provides very important functions in our body, including reducing sodium in the blood and increasing the volume of urine. Thus, potassium helps maintain the osmotic balance of cells and reduce high blood pressure.

Potassium is found in large quantities in apricots, Brussels sprouts, bananas, potatoes and beets.

5 - Taking dandelion
Dandelion is a plant known for its diuretic effect that helps to drain excess body fluids. An infusion of dandelion leaves can increase the production of urine. So you just have to prepare your tea with dandelion, and drink two to three cups a day. However, the consumption of dandelion is discouraged to people who suffer from gallstones.

6 - Avoid refined sugars

The negative effects of sugar on health are no longer to be demonstrated. Increased blood sugar, diabetes, overweight, etc. Are all problems due to excessive consumption of sugar. In addition, excess sugar causes an increase in the insulin level which, in turn, causes sodium retention by promoting its reabsorption by the kidneys. However, as explained above, sodium promotes the retention of water molecules by the different cells of the body.

It is therefore advisable to limit your intake of table sugar, white flour, pastries and sweets.

Advice :
To avoid water retention and allow your body to function properly, it is imperative to drink plenty of water a day, at a rate of at least a liter and a half.