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This Is Why Sleep Naked Is So Good For Health

This Is Why Sleep Naked Is So Good For Health

 Sleep Naked Is So Good For Health

We all know the benefits of a good night's sleep, but do you know the benefits of sleeping naked? A disgusting idea for some people and tempting for others, sleeping without pajamas brings many benefits to the body.

Sleep is essential for the body to rest and recharge its batteries. This resting moment also has many health benefits because it notably protects the nervous system, prevents skin aging but also avoids weight gain. So many reasons to enjoy a good night's sleep!

And to maximize the benefits of this moment of recovery, what better than to ... sleep naked! Indeed, sleeping in clothes of Eve or Adam, is better for health. It is true that it is not obvious for everyone to slip into their bed in their simplest device, but by taking knowledge of the benefits of this simple gesture, they may change their minds.

Here are 4 good reasons to sleep naked:

Improving sleep quality:

Do you suffer from insomnia or wake up several times during the night? Sleep naked, can be the solution to your worries! Indeed, during the night, the body temperature naturally drops to 36 ° C, even if you do not feel it. So by putting on your pajamas or covering yourself with a blanket too warm, you put your body to the test and push it to make more effort so that it can regulate its temperature. This increases the risk of poor sleep quality.

According to a study published in the journal Brain, lowering the body temperature by 0.4 ° C, allowed volunteers to double the period of deep sleep overnight.

Maintain a young skin:

Dropping your cozy pajamas could help you have younger skin. Indeed, as mentioned above, the body lowers its temperature during sleep. This fact can be explained by the decrease in light that the retina of the eye captures. It then sends signals to the pineal gland, which is responsible for the production of melatonin, also known as the sleep hormone. When the hypothalamus, the organ responsible for regulating body temperature, detects the presence of melatonin, it reduces the heat of the body.

The lowest body temperature is recorded around 4am and it is precisely at this point that the secretion of melatonin reaches its peak. This hormone has an antioxidant effect on the skin, protects it from damage caused by free radicals, prevents its early aging and stimulates the regeneration of its cells.

Conclusion: sleep in Eve outfit, to enjoy the benefits of melatonin and stay young.

Limits the risks of infections:

Contrary to what many people think, sleeping naked is very hygienic. This makes it possible to breathe parts that are aired very rarely. These include intimate areas that remain smothered day and night in underwear. They therefore remain subjected to heat and moisture, which presents an environment conducive to the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, thus promoting the development of infections.

In fact, a British study showed that keeping pajamas at night and not changing them regularly could increase the risk of infections. According to the study, the pajama fabric touches the skin and deposits cells on it. If they reach the intimate parts, they can cause urinary tract infections. Women, especially, must be very careful because they are at higher risk of developing this disease.

Spice up your intimate life:

Sleeping naked naturally nurtures desire. Under the hot duvet, the bodies touch and touch, the caresses begin, the libido increases and the excitement rises. Sleeping in its simplest device indeed maintains a more fulfilling intimate life, and this has been proven scientifically.

According to a British study, 57% of those surveyed who reported sleeping naked said they had a satisfying intimate life. In contrast, 43% of participants who are loyal to their pajamas.

According to scientists, when naked bodies are rubbing against each other, oxytocin, the hormone of well-being and attachment is released. A thing that increases alchemy and promotes intimate relationships.

What are you waiting for to give up your pajamas?