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Fruit Water For Your Diet: Clear Your Body of the Toxins

Fruit Water For Your Diet: Clear Your Body of the Toxins

Do not bother with diets, instead, put this in your water and drink it every day: your body will be purified and your pounds will melt gently!

Among the causes that promote excessive intake of weight is the accumulation of toxins in the body. Indeed, these have an aggressive and pro-inflammatory effect that pushes the body to produce more fat to wrap its internal organs in order to protect them. This results in deposits of visceral fat known for its dangerous effects on health, as it increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension and even cancer. To avoid all this and purify your body, discover this simple and natural detox water trick!

We all know that weight loss is a long and difficult process that requires a lot of involvement and rigor. In order to succeed, it is necessary to start with a healthy and balanced diet and a way of life far from stress, to limit the amount of toxins swallowed and reduce the activity of cortisol, the stress hormone. Then, drink plenty of water to purify the body and help it flush out its waste and toxins, not to mention, regular physical activity that activates fat burning metabolism, tones muscles and reduces tension.

For a more powerful detox effect, here is a healthy and natural method of the most enjoyable, to integrate to your daily routine.

What is detox water?

Detox water is water to which fruits and / or aromatic herbs are added. By letting them infuse, they release their vitamins and antioxidants, which gives it a detoxifying effect that promotes weight loss. So by drinking this water every day, you bring to your body a good amount of vitamins, depending on the fruits and herbs you have chosen, as well as antioxidants that will help you fight against the free radicals and toxins responsible for the Early cell aging, overproduction of fat and weight gain.

What are the benefits of this detox water?

In addition to promoting the elimination of toxins, consumption of detox water also has other beneficial effects on health, such as:

  • Fight against states of fatigue and give you energy
  • Maintain an optimal level of hydration, which prevents the phenomenon of water retention
  • Activate fat burning metabolism and help maintain a stable weight
  • Eliminate waste and toxins and promote the mobilization of fat cells
  • Reduce muscle fatigue and accelerate recovery after physical exertion
  • Improve your mood.

How to prepare detox water?

Its preparation is very easy. You will only need an airtight glass jar, water, fruit and / or aromatic herbs, depending on the taste.

Fruits must be organic, or if you do not, you can dip them in a bowl of vinegar to remove pesticide residue and dirt, then rinse with clean water before using. So, you can keep skin that concentrates the most vitamins and antioxidants, for even better results.

Cut your fruit into slices or chunks, then place them in your jar, then pour fresh or sparkling fresh water over them. Stir then close your jar and leave to infuse for a few hours, or overnight for a more concentrated taste and virtues. Keep your detox water in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. Beyond that, you may lose a good amount of the vitamins it contains or see your food break down.

Fruit Detox Water Recipe

  • 400 ml of mineral or filtered water
  • 5 strawberries
  • 5 cherries
  • 1 small fresh ginger


Strain the cherries and cut them in half, as well as the strawberries, without removing them, then place them in the bottom of your jar. Then cut the ginger into thin slices and place them over the fruit before adding water. Close your jar and leave to infuse overnight before consuming your detox water.

Thanks to ginger antioxidants and its thermogenic effect, the powerful slimming virtues of the cherry tails and the laxative and diuretic properties of the strawberry, this detox water will do you the greatest good. Not only does it taste fresh and pleasant, but it will also improve your digestion, purify your body, eliminate excess fluids and promote fat burning.