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10 Things That Need To Do If You Want To Save Your Marriage

10 Things That Need To Do If You Want To Save Your Marriage

Need To Do If You Want To Save Your Marriage

Things you need to do if you want to preserve your marriage and keep your family reunited! Number 9 is the most difficult but most important!

Because of the stress and the various daily hassles, none of us will be able to escape the family conflicts and the disputes of couples. Even if they are normal, even healthy at moderate frequencies, these situations must nevertheless be managed with patience and wisdom, whether you are at fault or not. So here are 10 things to do to preserve your couple and your family in case of conflict.

The 10 things to do in case of dispute:

1 - Count up to 10 before reacting

The principle is simple. Just take a deep breath and count up to ten before reacting to a word or gesture that you do not like. This will allow you time to calm down and avoid talking or acting impulsively, which can aggravate the situation and lead to even more serious conflicts.

2 - Think of a code or a word of warning to end the dispute

In a couple, however in love, there will always be misunderstandings and situations of divergence of opinion. To prepare for and manage them correctly, both partners must agree on a code or word of alert to be used in situations where constructive communication is lacking or when tension, and voices, begin to rise.

3 - Do not try to have the last word

When it comes to subjects that are particularly important to us, we sometimes tend to want to convince the other person from our point of view and to get carried away if the latter is not ready to yield to our arguments. When you are faced with such a situation, do not overemphasize the moment, and allow your partner time to think about rested and reconsider your arguments. Also be prepared to listen to what he has to say, because he may have a more objective and less emotional perspective, which will help you find common ground more easily.

4 - Some things do not deserve to argue for them

Coming from two different backgrounds, each with different backgrounds and backgrounds, it is only natural that both partners have different preferences and opinions. Neither must impose his vision of things on the other, nor push him to change. The best way is to find the right balance to ensure the stability and sustainability of the relationship. So it is useless to shout at the fire every time you do not agree on the program to do on Saturday night.

5 - Hugs, hugs and cuddles

When one has boiling blood and mind racing during a dispute, the last thing that would pass us by the head is to seek any physical contact with the person in front. That is the best thing to do. A hug, a caress or even a kiss will help you remember how much you hold each other and how much easier it is to chat quietly. However, this point should not be used as a technique of dodging and avoid communicating with the other by diverting attention from the current problem.

6 - It does not matter to sleep angry

Sometimes, even after a long discussion, the conflict can not be resolved. According to experts, insisting on doing the same day would be more stressful and frustrating. Give each other time and let things go naturally. After a good night's restful sleep, you'll see how much easier it is to understand each other and communicate with him.

7 - Humor is important

In some cases, a simple discussion can turn into a big dispute without any of the partners realizing what is happening. To avoid escalating things and giving them more importance than they deserve, try humor. Do not be sarcastic or ironic! A simple spontaneous gesture or an amusing reply will be enough to calm the fire and to calm the situation. Of course, this does not mean turning all your worries or emotions from one another to derision.

8 - Determine your position

To argue, you have to be two. So even if your partner is in a murderous mood, you may very well not let yourself be trained and try gently and subtly to absorb his anger and soothe him. Above all, be prepared to acknowledge your wrongs and assume your share of responsibility.

9 - Do the impossible

By the "impossible," we mean trying to understand what the other feels at the time of the dispute and why. Above all avoid drawing hasty conclusions that may have nothing with reality. If, Sir, forgotten your wedding anniversary, this does not necessarily mean that he no longer loves you.

10 - Leave some space for fun

Discussing a sensitive subject in the presence of third parties or in a noisy area is not a good idea. A negative atmosphere can easily transform a small confused into argument. So, instead of giving free rein to your anger or frustration, think about changing the setting and trying out something that will please both of you, such as a discussion around a delicious dinner.