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A Famous Doctor Tells The Truth: We All Do It With Pleasure, But It Causes Serious Diseases!

A Famous Doctor Tells The Truth: We All Do It With Pleasure, But It Causes Serious Diseases!

A Famous Doctor Tells The Truth

There is an inevitable link between nutrition and health. The risk of developing many conditions such as cardiovascular disorders, type 2 diabetes, obesity or cancer can be reduced or even avoided by having a healthy and balanced diet. Nutritional recommendations are the result of numerous scientific studies.

Link between nutrition and health

Eating and practicing regular physical activity are intimately linked to the emergence of chronic diseases that have become "common". Numerous studies have shown the cause-and-effect relationship between dietary habits and the occurrence of certain cancers, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes and hypercholesterolemia. This work focused on these public health conditions before being extended to other areas.

Indeed, further studies have demonstrated the link between nutrition and certain autoimmune inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory chronic intestinal diseases, allergies, depression, sleep disorders and macular degeneration.

Good nutrition is essential for good growth, strengthening the defense system and maintaining fertility (the relationship between body mass index and human fertility).

Certainly there are foods harmful to health that tend to cause early aging but fortunately there are some that have preventive effects. It is therefore imperative to adopt the right actions, ie a balanced diet, the practice of a sport and a healthy lifestyle.

Foods to be preferred

In France, the National Nutrition and Health Program (PNNS) was set up in 2001 and advocates established nutrition advice to prevent the emergence of certain diseases.

Consumption of fruits and vegetables

The nutritional recommendation is five fruits and vegetables per day. Whether raw, cooked, fresh, frozen, steamed, stir-fried or grilled, the main thing is to consume them in large quantities and to diversify the contents of your plates according to the seasons.

Starchy foods

Complete cereals cover the necessary intake of fiber and slow sugars and promote the feeling of satiety which will prevent you from snacking. Therefore, you should prefer pasta and rice with whole wheat, wheat, oats, barley and legumes (lentils, chickpeas, beans, dried beans). As for the bread, vary the pleasures alternating complete bread, bread with cereals, bread with the sound and bread with rye, among others.

The fish

Rich in omega 3 and protein, it is highly recommended to consume fish and seafood twice a week. You can switch between fatty fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel, herring) and lean fish (hake, cod, whiting, sole). They also provide minerals (phosphorus), trace elements (iodine, zinc, selenium) and vitamins A, B, D and E.

Meat and eggs

One should not exceed 150 g of meat a day because a high consumption could cause the appearance of diseases. Prefer white meats that are lean (chicken, turkey, rabbit) and minimize the amounts of red meat (no more than 2 times a week) because they are higher in fat and more harmful in the long run.

As for the eggs, you can consume up to 5 per week! Contrary to conventional wisdom, the egg does not increase the bad cholesterol. No link was found between regular egg consumption and cardiovascular disorders.

Foods to Avoid

Fatty substances

It is advisable to avoid consuming foods high in saturated fats such as cooked dishes, pastries, pastries, cheeses, appetizer biscuits, crisps, cold cuts and butter.

Refined sugars
Certain foods rich in sugar are to be proscribed, these include industrial juices, sodas, confectionery, cakes because they contain a large amount of white sugar.


Avoid consuming salt in large quantities as it may cause hypertension and water retention. It is especially found in prepared meals, cold meats, appetizer biscuits and crisps. As for the seasoning of your small dishes, use marine gray salt or pink Himalayan salt.

Do not forget to drink at least 2 liters of water per day and practice at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day!