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Body Warns One Month Before A Heart Attack! - This Is The Hidden Secret Everyone Must Know

Body Warns One Month Before A Heart Attack! - This Is The Hidden Secret Everyone Must Know

Body Warns One Month Before A Heart Attack

According to statistics , more than 120 000 people experience heart attacks each year in UK. This problem suddenly manifests itself and rarely leaves time for the person to react. Heart attacks, which can have fatal consequences and are not to be taken lightly. In order to act in time, it is important to know their warning signs.

Heart attacks occur as a result of the interruption of blood flow to the heart, which causes the death of a portion of the heart muscle. This stoppage of blood flow is mainly caused by the obstruction of an artery, which is blocked by the presence of a blood clot or the accumulation of atheromatous plaques.

This problem is much more common among men aged 50 and women aged 65-70. However, younger people may also be affected.

Causes and Risk Factors for Heart Attack:

Resulting from a stoppage of blood flow to the heart, the heart attack can be favored by many risk factors including stress, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and smoking.

Generally, the damage caused by the heart attack depends mainly on the duration of the interruption of the blood circulation. In some cases, the heart attack can be fatal.

Thus, in order to reduce the risk of death following a heart attack and to limit the damage, it is important to know the warning signs of this problem. Although the symptoms are not always distinct and can be confused with signs of other diseases, you have to learn to listen to your body to detect the signals it sends you.

To help you detect a heart attack in advance, here are some signs that appear a month before its onset.

Signs of a heart attack:

Tiredness :

It is normal to feel tired after a long day of work as well as after a physical or mental effort. Only, when fatigue is sudden and unexplained, this can be a sign of a heart attack. Indeed, when the muscles of the body are not sufficiently supplied with oxygen, they weaken, causing a feeling of fatigue.

This is mainly due to the fact that the heart is unable to pump the blood cleanly.

Pressure at the chest:

This is the most common and familiar sign of this problem. Indeed, shortly before the onset of a heart attack, subjects tend to feel a kind of pressure and pain in the torso. As time goes on, the intensity of the crisis increases.

Generally, this pain radiates to other parts, including the jaw, neck and arm. If it does not disappear after a few minutes, it is absolutely necessary to call the rescue.

Difficulty breathing:

Shortness of breath after the slightest effort may reveal that the lungs do not receive enough oxygen. This problem can be caused by weak heart muscle or poor blood flow.

Respiratory discomfort and difficulty breathing should not be taken lightly. If you experience these symptoms, consult a doctor to determine the cause of the problem.

Dizziness and sweating:

Dizziness accompanied by dizziness, sweating, and nausea in some cases may signal a heart attack. Indeed, the insufficient blood flow, due to obstruction of the arteries, can be responsible for these symptoms.
Once you notice these signs, have the reflex to see a doctor without waiting.

Influenza States :
It is quite common for people to have symptoms of colds or flu before a heart attack. These include sore throat, a stuffy nose, body aches, fever, cough or chills.
These signs should alert especially if you do not suffer from colds or flu.

Preventing heart attacks:

According to the WHO, doing regular physical activity and following a healthy and balanced diet while avoiding cigarettes would prevent 80% of cases of heart attacks.
So to preserve your heart health, you know what you still have to do:
  • Consuming more fruits and vegetables
  • Avoiding Processed Foods
  • Doing sports at least 3 times a week
  • Reduce sugar and salt intake