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Here's How to Deflate Your Belly Bloating Quickly

Here's How to Deflate Your Belly Bloating Quickly

Belly Bloating Quickly

Bloating affects many people, not just those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. Uncomfortable and embarrassing, these digestive disorders swell the abdomen and cause flatulence. Even though they are common, they are usually not severe and often associated with poor diet.

Bloating does not only occur as a result of a rich and copious meal, the belly swells because the body has difficulties to break down the food ingested. Gases are then accumulated in the stomach and intestine and create an abdominal discomfort. Aside from an unbalanced diet, the swollen belly can be caused by other factors.

The stress

If you are often stressed, your organs tend to prevent the circulation of blood in the digestive wall and slow the transit by causing either constipation or bloating.
In addition, anxious people tend to chew gum, which adds air to the stomach.

The dehydration

When your body is dehydrated, it retains fluids and accumulates water in the abdomen and causes unpleasant bloating, especially if you have a high fiber diet but you do not drink enough. To remedy this it is recommended to drink plenty of water (at least a liter and a half a day), green tea and herbal teas and especially banish soft drinks.

The menstruation

Approximately one in three women suffers from premenstrual syndrome, which occurs a few days before menstruation and manifests as a bloated belly, stomach cramps, lower back pain, loss of energy, constipation and diarrhea . These symptoms begin to fade at the end of the period.

Intestinal Gas

Some foods, when consumed, promote the release of gas during digestion and cause bloating in your abdomen. The flatulence which makes it possible to evacuate these gases is often disagreeable and embarrassing. These include offal, dishes in sauces, raw vegetables, legumes, dairy products, soft drinks and alcoholic beverages.


Diet plays a paramount role in your digestion process, as well as what you eat as well as how you eat.

Foods that promote gas production in the intestines are called fermentable high-feeds, including Brussels sprouts, prunes and legumes. Also avoid high-salt products that may cause water retention.

When taking your meals, take the time to chew your food slowly and correctly because a rapid absorption of food slows digestion and promotes the accumulation of gas. Avoid eating too quickly if you want to avoid the sensation of heaviness and bloating.

Recipe Of A Delicious Juice To Get Rid Of  Belly Bloating

In this article, we suggest a natural recipe to help relieve the bloating and find a flat stomach and desensitized.

Ingredients for the juice:

  • Half a watermelon cut in cubes
  • A celery branch
  • A cucumber
  • One lemon sliced
  • One and a half liters of water


Mix watermelon, celery and cucumber in a blender or juice extractor to obtain a homogeneous juice. Pour in a large carafe, add lemon slices, water and ice cubes. Allow to stand in refrigerator before serving. This juice is very fresh!

As soon as you experience the first symptoms of bloating, drink a glass of juice half an hour after each meal. For optimum effectiveness, consume it daily for one week.

The watermelon

Watermelon is a fruit rich in water and essential nutrients with many digestive properties. It helps to eliminate the gases and toxins contained in the body and thus relieves the feeling of bloating.

It is an excellent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and diuretic that prevents water retention and helps the liver, kidneys and colon to function properly. Watermelon regulates intestinal movement and promotes weight loss.

The celery branch

The celery branch is one of the best allies of the digestive system thanks to its diuretic virtues. It helps fight gas, relieve abdominal pain, prevent constipation and avoid water retention.

The cucumber

Like watermelon, cucumber is low in calories and reduces inflammation of the stomach. It relieves the bloating and allows to expel the accumulated gases in the intestine.

It is also a recognized health ally that fights free radicals thanks to its antioxidant properties.

The lemon

Citrus that acts as a natural laxative to neutralize the toxins contained in the body and prevent constipation.

It should be avoided for people with disorders in the kidneys and the gallbladder, as well as those who suffer from stomach ulcers.