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A Juice To Cleanse Your Liver Of Waste And Toxins

A Juice To Cleanse Your Liver Of Waste And Toxins

Cleanse Your Liver Of Waste And Toxins

Beet is a food rich in essential nutrients, contains vitamins A, B and C, soluble fibers that control cholesterol and blood sugar as well as insoluble fiber that regulate intestinal transit. It is a vegetable with multiple virtues which ensures in particular the good functioning of the liver.

We have to do here much more than a vegetable, it is a concentrate of antioxidants, fiber and water that is eaten both raw and cooked. Whether it is eaten as a salad or as a juice, beetroot has many benefits in preventing liver problems. Make it your best ally to cleanse your liver of the toxins it contains.

Rich in antioxidants

Beyond its beautiful intense violet color, beta carotene, a pigment of the carotenoid family and flavonoids contained in beetroot give it all its antioxidant properties useful for cleansing the liver.

A clinical study published in New England Journal of Medicine magazine in 2012 showed that patients who suffered from pain caused by foie gras syndrome felt better after having undergone an anti- Antioxidants. These relieved inflammation of the liver and reduced the amount of fat it contained.

Activates metabolism

When you want to lose weight, turn to beet, you will not be disappointed: it ensures a high intake of energy and fiber, which promote the feeling of satiety, neutralizes the waste of your body And purifies it. This way you avoid accumulating toxins and suffering from constipation.

Purifies the blood

Rich in potassium, iron, magnesium, folic acid and vitamins A, B and C, beetroot regulates blood pressure, reduces bad cholesterol and strengthens the blood by purifying toxins. Moreover, this vegetable also stimulates the functions of the liver, which ensures a central role in the proper functioning of the body.

The essential role of the liver

The liver represents the largest gland in the human body and provides a number of essential functions, including the production of digestive enzymes useful for the small intestine. It also controls the metabolism and filters out toxins that may threaten the body.

There are many diseases that can affect the liver and affect its functioning due to exposure to toxic substances (alcohol), viruses (Hepatitis B and C), genetic abnormalities and cancers. Symptoms that appear when the liver is sick are:
  • Persistent fatigue
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Desire disorders
  • Jaundice
  • A swollen abdomen

Regular consumption of beetroot can only be recommended to prevent or prevent such diseases. If you want to benefit from all its properties to clean your blood and liver, consume it raw:

Grated in salad, alone or mixed with shredded carrots, seasoned with olive oil, lemon juice and parsley
In juice

Here is the recipe for a medicinal juice to cleanse your liver and neutralize toxins.



A raw beet
A raw carrot
A raw apple
250 milliliters of water


After having carefully washed the fruits and vegetables, cut them into pieces and place them in a blender. Pour the water and mix until it reaches the desired consistency. Put some ice cubes in a large glass, add juice and drink very fresh.
It is advisable to drink a glass of this juice 30 minutes before lunch for five days. Take a break of ten days and repeat the operation.

The ingredients of this recipe must imperatively be believed not to lose their nutrients and benefits.

The carrot :

It is an effective remedy that helps to drain and decongest the liver while fluidifying the bile.

Carotene in the carrot acts as an effective antioxidant to prevent certain cancers and cardiovascular diseases. It is also recommended to combat diarrhea and reduce the level of bad cholesterol.

Apple :

The apple neutralizes the toxins thanks to its high malic acid content which softens the gallstones and facilitates their circulation in the bile ducts. Apple juice is a good cleanser that works effectively to decongest the liver.

For optimum efficacy, it is recommended to use apples from the culture