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One Month Before Heart Attack, Your Body May Warn You With These 8 Signs!

One Month Before Heart Attack, Your Body May Warn You With These 8 Signs!

One Month Before Heart Attack

A heart attack can show the tip of his nose without warning and without allowing time for the affected person to recover. Often fatal, it is one of the leading causes of death in the world. Since its symptoms are fairly "common", it is difficult to detect. It is therefore necessary to be able to recognize its signs in order to seek medical help as soon as possible.

What is a heart attack?

Even if it is outside the body, the heart continues to function as long as it receives sufficient oxygenated blood. On the other hand, if he does not get enough, he can die. This phenomenon is particularly evident when the coronary arteries are blocked by cholesterol and fatty waste. In fact, the latter form the plaque which accumulates on the walls of the arteries and causes spasms which eventually break the artery. When this is ruptured, a blood clot is formed, thus hindering the circulation of blood. This process leads to coronary heart disease that causes a heart attack.

According to the American Heart Association, when the heart is not sufficiently oxygenated by the blood due to blocked or narrowed arteries, this causes a heart attack.

Over time, plaques can accumulate around the heart and eventually block blood circulation, but this is not easy to notice because even if an artery obstructs the blood flow, the other arteries take over. The plaque is essentially composed of fatty substances, if it ruptures they release and form a blood clot that prevents the proper functioning of the blood flow.

The heart is deprived of oxygen, the nervous system sends a warning signal to the brain, the heartbeat accelerates and a general feeling of fatigue and nausea are felt.

Some people only experience very mild symptoms, others not at all: this is a silent heart attack. It is important to recognize the common signs to avoid the worst.

Signs and Symptoms of a Heart Attack

Unusual weakness

If you feel suddenly weak, this can be a sign that the arteries begin to clog and shrink. They slow down the blood flow to the heart and weaken the muscles.
Cold sweats, nausea, vomiting and dizziness

The combination of these four symptoms is not very good sign, it is your body that expresses itself and alerts you that something is wrong. Blood circulation to the brain occurs with some difficulty, which can signal a heart attack. These are essentially women who suffer from these symptoms.

Pain and discomfort in the chest

Feeling some chest weight and annoying pain is the most common symptom of heart attack. The intensity of pain increases in proportion to the imminence of the crisis. This varies according to the person, some feel a sharp pain while in others it is rather light. It may last a few minutes or hours, but in any case it should not be neglected.

It is also possible to feel this discomfort in the arms, the back, the shoulders, the neck and the jaw.

Cold or flu symptoms

Some people suffer from symptoms identical to those of the common cold or flu just before having a heart attack. High fever, sore throat, body aches, muscle aches and congested nose can be alarming signs that should not be overlooked especially if you have not caught cold!

Fatigue and sudden exhaustion

Feeling tired all day long when no particular effort has been provided is a sign that your body is trying to express itself. When the arteries are tightened, the heart receives less blood so it must pump more than usual, the muscles are more tense and general fatigue sets in. In this case, a doctor should be consulted without further delay.

Respiratory disorders

Some people only experience this symptom which can appear at the same time as the pain in the chest. Not only is the heart not oxygenated enough, but the lungs too. Not having enough blood, they can not function properly and cause a short breath.