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A Brilliant Trick To Have Smooth and Silky Hair

A Brilliant Trick To Have Smooth and Silky Hair

Flax seeds are beneficial for alleviating many ailments. They are used in particular in the treatment of constipation and cholesterol, the prevention of certain cancers and the reduction of hot flushes. They also possess capillary advantages which are unfortunately little known, in particular for stimulating hair growth.

Indeed, flax seeds are not often approached for their properties relating to the shoot and the health of the hair, yet they are effective to restore shine and volume to the hair.

What are the Benefits of Linseed for Hair?

A high vitamin E content: necessary for hair growth, stimulation of the scalp and slowing of the premature appearance of gray hair

A nutritious food that promotes the acceleration of capillary growth

Prevention of split ends and the provision of hydration necessary for the hair

A high amount of fatty acids (omega 3) that nourish the hair follicles, improve hair elasticity and make them less brittle

An intervention in the fight against the fall of the hair and against the appearance of the films for a less sensitive of the scalp

How to consume flaxseed to stimulate hair growth?

Flax seeds have a pleasant nutty flavor and are easily mixed with many foods. They can last up to three months in a sealed jar protected from heat and moisture. On the other hand, for ground or ground seeds, it is recommended to keep them in a closed container for one month.

For better use of flax seeds, it is advisable to grind them in order to release their benefits and their fatty acids and consume them as follows:
  • Add them to your breads, biscuits, muffins, cakes
  • Sprinkle on your soups, salads or Mashed vegetable
  • Mix them with your smoothies or fruit and vegetable juices
  • Enhance the taste of your sautéed vegetables or steam

Accredit your dairy products such as goat's milk cheese or yogurts with sheep's milk

In this article, we propose you the recipe of a capillary gel based on linseeds ideal to counter the fall and restore shine and brilliance to your hair.
Hair Rejuvenation Recipe

  • 60 g whole linseed (brown or blond)
  • 1 liter of water
  • Essential oil for perfuming (optional)


Soak the flax seeds overnight before putting them in a pot; Add the water and bring to a boil. Let cook over low heat for 40 minutes uncovered. You will notice that the lower the mixture, the thicker the gel will be. If you want to get an even thicker consistency (depending on your needs and the nature of your hair), extend the cooking time by a few minutes.

Put out of the heat and let cool, then use a clean cloth to filter. To do this, simply pour the mixture into it and squeeze it to collect the liquid. The gel should have a thick texture identical to that of egg whites.

If you wish, you can add a few drops of essential oil of your choice to perfume it.
This gel can be stored either in a glass jar or in a plastic bottle in a cool place for up to one month. The best is to apply the equivalent of a teaspoon of this gel to wet hair after the shower, from the root to the tips.

Unlike commercial gels, it has no "cardboard" effect and makes your hair shine without any residues like dandruff. It is ideal because it not only prevents the hair from falling, but nourishes them and ensures them a good hold.