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3 Signs That A Heart Attack Is Close That Everyone Must Know

3 Signs That A Heart Attack Is Close That Everyone Must Know

3 Signs That A Heart Attack Is Close
3 Signs That A Heart Attack Is Close 
While men are suffocating chest pain, the signs of a heart attack are different in women. As a result, victims or their entourage do not recognize them and attribute these to other diseases or adverse effects of a drug, believing that they will disappear on their own. How to recognize the signs of a heart attack?

Signs of a heart attack vary greatly from one person to another, but may also be different depending on gender. If in men, the symptoms are very clear, in women they are more subtle. The latter tend to describe them differently, which can lead to a false diagnosis. Learning to recognize the symptoms of heart attacks in women is therefore important. Here are three:

Excessive sweating

Excessive sweating without heat or physical effort is sometimes the precursor of a heart attack. Women tend to confuse this symptom with a hot flash or impute this harm to their hormones and menstrual cycle.

A sudden fatigue

Heart attacks are sneaky and consume all the energy of a woman, even when she is at rest, reducing her to an unusual exhaustion. If fatigue suddenly occurs and persists, consult a doctor.

Pain in the shoulder, arm and jaw

In addition to intense chest pain, it is also possible that women experience pain that radiates in the shoulder, arm and sometimes even the jaw.

Other Heart Attack Symptoms:
Symptoms include shortness of breath, vomiting, rapid heartbeat and nausea. So many worries that can be confused with any other health problem.

Smoking, hypertension, cholesterol, overweight, alcohol, sedentary lifestyle ... are potential factors for the development of a heart attack.

How to preserve your heart to prevent heart attacks?
Namaste with turmeric

Turmeric has its place in your natural pharmacy. It treats a myriad of ailments including inflammatory disorders, gastrointestinal problems, infections and colds. This spice can also be effective in preserving heart health. Indeed, thanks to its anti-inflammatory action at the vascular level, due to the curcumin it contains, turmeric helps to reduce LDL cholesterol levels which, following its oxidation, can promote the development of atherosclerosis.

Avoid sugar

Sweet drinks, cakes of all kinds ... Sweet beverages, pay attention to your heart! According to a study published in the journal Jama Internal Medicine, excessive consumption of added sugar increases the risk of death from cardiovascular disease. A sweetness from time to time yes, but try to consume sugar wisely.
In addition, sugar by the formation of fat is co-involved in obesity, bad for the heart.

Vitamin C, super shield against oxidative stress

Oxidative stress is the cause of cellular aging and the genesis of many pathologies. It happens following a disproportion between the presence of free radicals and our ability to control these toxic compounds. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, vitamin C acts as a shield and prevents cardiovascular disease, hypertension and stroke. The foods richest in vitamin C are peppers, kiwi, lemon, red fruits ...

Vitamin D and K: the winning combo

A US study has shown that vitamin D deficiency is a major risk factor for heart disease, as is hypertension and diabetes. According to researchers, individuals with vitamin D deficiency are twice as likely to have stroke and heart attack. Thus, it is strongly recommended to have sufficient intakes of vitamin D.

Vitamin K is also excellent for heart health. This makes it possible to activate a protein (Matrix Gla-Protein (MGP)), which helps to prevent the calcification of the arteries, a problem that represents a true marker of cardiovascular risk.

Stop smoking

Smoking contributes to the hardening of the arteries and promotes their deterioration, which can increase the risk of cardiovascular problems.

Garlic, friend of the heart?

Garlic would have a cardio-protective effect, acting on the risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Indeed, numerous studies have demonstrated the ability of this food to reduce cholesterol levels, to fight against hypertension as well as to slow the progression of atherosclerosis and prevent its appearance.

Fruits and vegetables

Dietary factors play a crucial role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. A healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables is associated with lower risks of cardiovascular disease.

Practice sports

Sport is good for health, especially for the heart. Doing sports regularly helps in the vasodilation of small arteries, which reduces blood pressure and cholesterol. Two actions beneficial to heart