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7 Things You Wear Every Day That Destroy Your Health

7 Things You Wear Every Day That Destroy Your Health

7 Things You Wear Every Day That Destroy Your Health

Many people would do anything to be fashionable. They dye their hair to look younger, wear makeup to be more attractive, spend their hard-earned clothing wages to follow trends, and do diet after diet to lose weight.

But what is the price really paid for being connected?

1. High heels

Although most women love the look they get from high heels, many of them may be unaware of their health risks. The majority of the problems associated with wearing high heels involve misalignment of the foot and skeletal bones. This kind of injury is constantly increasing.

They are in the form of sprains or elongations of the foot and the ankle. Researchers at the University of Alabama in Birmingham said that US emergency rooms have treated 123 355 injuries of this type between 2000 and 2012.

A study also suggests that wearing heels can deteriorate the muscle pump of the calves which facilitates venous return to the upper body.

This study in women walking barefoot and with shoes with varying heel height revealed that the amount of blood pumped was reduced when wearing high heels. To avoid back pain and other health problems, prefer smaller heels.

2. Handbags

Wearing a heavy handbag can cause pain, back and bad posture. Many women would be surprised to know that their bag weighs 3 to 5 pounds.

The problem has several facets: putting weight on a shoulder can cause pressure on the nerves, generating a feeling of pain sometimes very acute from neck to arm.

You should balance the weight of one side of your body, and ensure that the bag lanyard does not slip.

3. Fitted jeans

Although it is fashionable to wear tight-fitting jeans, these jewels generate troublesome problems. A common complaint is a sensation of numbness along the leg known as paresthesic merergia.

In addition, wearing tight pants can put pressure on the abdomen, causing abdominal discomfort and heartburn. Consider wearing pants that fit the body shape, without cutting off the circulation.

4. Ballerinas

The versatility of pairs of flat shoes is much appreciated by women. However, their base is too thin and they do not have orthopedic insoles or shock-absorbing cushions. A lack of soles can cause plantar fasciitis, inflammation, back pain, tension fractures or tendonitis.

5. Thongs

Flip-flops are not meant to be used every day, and daily use can cause shin splints, arthritis, and other problems.

Like ballerinas, their thin soles can cause back pain, tendinitis and plantar fasciitis. Opt for comfortable sandals with a thong at the back to prevent them from falling.

6. Yoga pants

While yoga pants are extremely comfortable, you may be unaware that some brands contain metallic fibers, keeping your body dry during a workout.

What is the problem ? Wearing this kind of pants during an MRI, for example, can heat the metal, which will give you the impression of being burned to the second degree. Use them only to do yoga or exercises.

7. The corsets

Some celebrities have made the wasp waist a popular trend. However, corsets cause complications, whether on the short or long term: pulmonary condensation, fractured ribs (if the corset is used incorrectly) and crushed organs.

According to Mary Jane Minkin, a professor of gynecology and obstetrics at Yale Medical School, USA, it makes no sense from a medical point of view to think that tightening the waist will narrow it down permanently. Indeed, once the garment is removed, the body will inevitably return to its original shape. Moreover, the wearing of the corset is uncomfortable, it restricts the movements, and sometimes it can even give difficulty to breathe. Instead, choose an exercise program appropriate to your age and health.

No matter the trend, nothing beats the price of your health. Buy Smartly.