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A Powerful Home Remedy To Get Rid Of Your Hemorrhoids !

A Powerful Home Remedy To Get Rid Of Your Hemorrhoids !

A Powerful Home Remedy To Get Rid Of Your Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are among the most painful and troublesome diseases. Due to abnormal dilation or inflammation of the veins of the rectum, they are generally accompanied by itching, bleeding at the time of defecation and more or less intense pains, which are accentuated by a prolonged standing or sitting position . To help you treat them and relieve their symptoms, here is an effective natural remedy to try right now.

In fact, hemorrhoids can only be treated when they are inflamed. In the normal state, these painless venous formations serve to irrigate the tissues at the level of the rectum and participate in the continence of the stools, that is to say the control of their evacuation.

The problem then arises when these small protrusions dilate excessively and form a ball at the rectum (internal hemorrhoids), or come out of it (external hemorrhoids).

What are the factors that favor their appearance?

The main elements that can cause a hemorrhoidal attack are:

- A diet rich in spices, alcohol, coffee and tea and low in water, causing inflammation of the mucous membrane of the intestines and rectum

- Sedentariness: a prolonged standing or sitting position causes disorders of the blood circulation, and promotes the appearance of hemorrhoids

- Strenuous physical exertion or certain types of sport such as riding or cycling,
Digestive disorders, such as constipation or diarrhea that irritate the anal mucosa

- Pregnancy and childbirth are also factors increasing the risk of hemorrhoids due to weight gain and pushing efforts.

How to Recognize a Hemorrhoidal Problem?

A hemorrhoidal attack is usually accompanied by symptoms that facilitate its diagnosis. Among them :
  • Sensation of discomfort at the level of the rectum and which is accentuated with defecation, walking or sitting position
  • Anal itching sometimes accompanied by a burning sensation
  • Light bleeding at the end of the saddle, visible on the toilet paper or underwear
  • Persistent anal moisture
  • In just a few cases, a bad odor, gases or fecal incontinence may also appear.

To help relieve your ailments and speed up the healing of your hemorrhoids, here is an effective remedy based on natural ingredients.

Remedy for Hemorrhoids

  • 250 ml of wheat germ oil
  • 10 g of camomile powder
  • The petals of 2 roses
  • 20 g of lanolin
  • 20 g pure honey


In a saucepan, heat wheat germ oil, chamomile, rose petals and lanolin for several minutes. Then remove from the heat, let cool and filter. Add the honey, stir carefully and pour your mixture into an ice cube tray that you place in the freezer. Once the mixture is solid, take a cube and apply directly to the painful area for a few minutes. Repeat several times a day for 1 week, until you feel the desired relief.

Benefits of the remedy:

Chamomile: Anti-inflammatory, tonic and soothing, chamomile is very effective against hemorrhoidal attacks. It reduces inflammation, stops hemorrhage and accelerates the healing of the mucous membranes.

Wheat germ oil: rich in vitamin E with powerful antioxidant action, wheat germ oil helps in the resorption of hemorrhoids.

Lanolin: also called "wool wax" resembles human sebum. It therefore has emollient, moisturizing, soothing and restorative properties that act on the rectal and anal mucosa to repair, moisturize and protect against possible lesions and irritations.

Honey: Thanks to its anti-inflammatory, healing and restorative properties, honey is a powerful remedy against hemorrhoids. It helps to reduce inflammation, deflate, repair the anal mucosa and accelerate its healing.

Cold: Anti-inflammatory and analgesic, the sensation of cold reduces inflammation and anesthetizes tissue due to its vasoconstrictor effect, which helps reduce swelling and effectively relieve pain.