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Do You Wake Up at the Same Time Every Night? That's what it means

Do You Wake Up at the Same Time Every Night? That's what it means

Do You Wake Up at the Same Time Every Night

You wake up at night? According to traditional Chinese medicine, this has significance. She asserts that the human body has an internal biological clock that manages the functions of each organ and facilitates the interpretation of the circulation of vital energy.

An ancestral method

Bodily functions are governed by an internal system that influences spiritual well-being and physical health. It is the organ clock that is related to the circulation of energy at the level of the meridians and is The same organs.

Within this system, a 24-hour clock is divided into 12 two-hour intervals during which energy moves from organ to organ. During the sleep phase, this vital force essentially intervenes to restore the interior of the body. The first interval, which begins at 11 pm, concerns the purification of the liver by the blood, this phase lasts from 1 to 3 hours and prepares the energy to circulate in the organism.

Once the cycle of the liver is completed, the next twelve hours will concern all the vital organs of the human body, essentially those that are related to digestion and removal of impurities. These include the spleen, stomach, pancreas, heart, lung, large intestine and small intestine.

At the end of these 12 hours, the energy then moves to the internal organs that are related to the repair of the system to ensure the circulation of heat to filter and purify them. These are the pericardium, the liver, the gallbladder, the kidneys and the bladder.

Interpretation of cycles

The reason that these cycles affect our everyday life is that our body is not made to cope with certain rhythms of life. This is particularly the case of hearty meals in the evening; The small intestine is already at rest at this time, the food is poorly digested and the liver will not be able to intervene to eliminate all the waste properly.

All the organs being interdependent, the clock makes it possible to put forward the least disorder and dysfunction related to the organism. Waking up every night at the same time has a very precise meaning and corresponds to an alarm signal issued by an organ.

The fact that an organ is necessarily involved does not mean that it is only a physical evil, it can also be a sign that you feel one or more emotions but that you have difficulty in externalizing them .

From 11 pm to 1 am: The Gallbladder

This phase is related to the gall bladder which stores energy and acts as a reservoir that fills and empties. If it does not work properly, it stores bad fats and causes fatigue.

From 1 am to 3 am: The liver

This is the stage of the liver whose activity reaches its apogee at this precise moment because it is busy neutralizing waste and ensuring the purification of the organism. The chances of waking up during this time range increase after consuming a rich and hearty meal.

From 3 am to 5 am: Lungs

This slice is linked to the lungs, it is the moment when they are put into action. A sudden awakening between 3 and 5 am may be related to a respiratory disorder or a psychological disorder. Indeed, an unresolved concern pushes to cogitation and can, in the long term, become oppressive and wake you up.

From 5 am to 7 am: Large intestine

Waking up constantly between 5 and 7 o'clock is related to the activity of the large intestine, and therefore to the digestive system. Digestive disorders occur and the release of toxins is difficult and leads to constipation. This is either linked to a poor diet (too rich or too poor) or a lazy transit. According to Chinese medicine, this may also be due to the fact that you feel guilty for a specific reason.

To remedy sleep disorders, one should not neglect the time slot 21h-23h which must be a phase of calm that precedes falling asleep. It is essential to prepare your night well and to go to bed at the same time regularly.