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Every Night Before Bed He Puts A Bar Of Soap Under His Sheets

Every Night Before Bed He Puts A Bar Of Soap Under His Sheets

Every Night Before Bed He Puts A Bar Of Soap Under His Sheets.the Reason Amazing!!

Some people are more prone than others to suffer from nocturnal cramps, or restless legs syndrome ...

Some people are more prone than others to suffer from nighttime cramps, or restless legs syndrome, a painful and frustrating neurological disorder that tends to escalate overnight, depriving people who suffer from sleep of sleep. To relieve this nagging pain and help you regain a restful sleep, here is an effective soap-based trick.

Restless leg syndrome or lower limb paresthesia, commonly referred to as Willis-Ekbom's disease, is characterized by an urgent need to move the legs and sometimes even the arms to dispel the sensations of tingling or burning By the person who suffers.

This irresistible need to move is accompanied by sensory disturbances ranging from inconvenience to pain. Generally at rest or during periods of inactivity, these symptoms in the long run impair the quality of sleep.

Causes of Restless Legs Syndrome

Restless legs syndrome is exacerbated by underlying conditions, including:
  • Mineral deficiencies
  • Diabetes
  • Kidney failure
  • The pregnancy
  • Nervous system affections
  • Taking certain medications (against seizures, psychosis or nausea ...)

To soften the pain of these cramps, we offer below a magical natural trick to try.

A grandmother's tip to relieve pain

Incredible but true, the saving remedy is in Marseille soap. Since these cramps are favored by potassium deficiency, the potash contained in Marseille soap helps to eradicate them. Place a loaf of soap in your sheets, after carefully wrapping it in a nylon stocking. As soon as you feel a cramp, get close to the soap, the soap will release the potassium which the affected area will soak and the pain will attenuate as by enchantment. You will have to go to sleep peacefully again.

There is another alternative for those who prefer to keep their soap for the shower: a magnet of good size, hidden at the foot of the bed, will have the same effect.

How to Prevent the Appearance of Nocturnal Cramps
Who among us has not been awakened in the middle of the night by a painful and throbbing pain in the calf? The brutal and extremely painful nocturnal cramps are another phenomenon that spoils our nights. They last between 30 seconds and 10 minutes and fade spontaneously to leave a feeling of discomfort that can persist for hours.

Pregnant women, athletes and seniors are the most affected by these sudden but benign muscular contractions following intense physical effort, lack of hydration, poor stretching, micronutrient deficiency (calcium, potassium, Magnesium), too many toxins in the body, poor posture, inadequate footwear, or poor blood circulation.

There is no need to worry if a cramp appears from time to time, and if the phenomenon multiplies and persists, there is urgency to consult to ensure that it does not cover up a more serious pathology Such as rheumatic disorders or venous insufficiency.

The gestures to adopt in case of cramps

Sit or lie down, grab your toes and slowly stretch your legs by pushing your foot up with a towel. Massage gently or apply warm compresses to the contracted muscle.

Prevention is better than cure

A well-balanced diet, good hydration, at a rate of one and a half liters of water a day and a diet rich in vegetables and fruits to not miss trace elements help prevent muscle cramps.

 It is equally important to put the soft pedal on physical overwork, excessive intake of tea, alcohol and coffee that delay the elimination of toxins and dehydrate the body.

Also, consume more anti-cramping foods. Think of fruit juices to facilitate the elimination of toxins in the body, honey bee products, rich in mineral salts and dried fruits for their calcium and potassium content. Reduce your intake of red meat, offal and deli meats full of nitrogen and toxins difficult to remove by the body.

Stopping taking medications like anti-asthma, cholesterol, diuretics and laxatives, can alleviate the symptoms of this disorder. Ask your doctor for advice.

Persons prone to this disorder should also take warm baths before going to bed, perform stretching to thin blood circulation and massage with arnica oil.