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 Things That Appear In Your Dream Have Secret Meaning In Real Life. You Must Absolutely Read This!

Things That Appear In Your Dream Have Secret Meaning In Real Life. You Must Absolutely Read This!

 Things That Appear In Your Dream Have Secret Meaning In Real Life

Far from being banal images that populate our imagination, dreams speak volumes about our subconscious and are often linked to our emotions and the blockages that we encounter on a daily basis. These dream symbols let the unconscious speak unfettered in our sleep. Freud considers that dreams are the hallucinatory materialization of an unconscious aspiration. What is it?

Who among us does not make this recurring dream in which he flies, or is chased by a horde of dogs? If their interpretation is complex, it would be according to psychoanalysts messages to the address of our conscious. A shame, a potential that expresses itself, an anguish, an anger buried. The analysis of our dreams allows us to plunge into the buried areas of our psyche.

Here are 12 ways to understand the symbolism of our most frequent dreams

1 - Dreaming of a box

Dreaming of box is interpreted in various ways, it refers to the notion of the treasure but also to the mystery it contains. You are either preoccupied with disclosing a secret or wanting to unravel a mystery. According to other interpretations, a box reveals an expectation or a happiness. If you are dreaming of an empty box you may experience shame or disappointment, an open box presages an upcoming wedding, if it is closed, your couple will encounter a troubled period.

2 - Dreaming of falling

Dreaming of falling often reflects a fear of failure, of the future, a boredom, a false step, a feeling of insecurity or a lack of mastery of a situation. An impression that everything escapes you in your present companies. Falling into the water means that we are drowned in everyday difficulties, falling from a roof warns us of future financial worries. If we get back up, it's saying we'll overcome his difficulties.

3 - Dreaming of nudity

We often dream of being naked like a worm in the midst of a crowd. The meaning differs, nudity implies both a feeling of guilt or a great vulnerability and the fear of asserting oneself before the gaze of others. For Freud, being naked also corresponds to a desire for exhibitionism and expresses a desire envy.

4 - Dreaming of green

The green color in dream is herald of positive things, it evokes fertility, bliss and fertility. It shows the renewed energy of the dreamer and his need for serenity and peace.

5 - Dreaming of walking in the mud

Getting bogged down in mud incarnates bad decisions and influences that hinder your steps or personal evolution. It is an invitation to redefine your way of doing things and to review your goals. If, on the other hand, your enemies are caught in the mud, it means that you are ahead of them.

6 - Dreaming of taking the road

This is undoubtedly a reference to the path and decisions you make. Taking the road represents the journey but also changes that will upset your life. If you are rolling without obstacles, indicates that your projects evolve easily. Conversely, finding yourself on an unknown road reveals your apprehensions, a cross road announces impassable obstacles and unforeseen.

7 - Dreaming of flying in the air

Many people see themselves robbed in a dream. This may reflect a need for boldness and emancipation of material contingencies, to distance oneself in order to make the right decisions and to free oneself from the constraints that block them.

8 - Dreaming of water

Water in dreams does not always evoke drowning, but rather intuition, fluidity, purity regained and aspiration of the dreamer to pass from one being to another taking more risks and tempting things Which are not necessarily dedicated to success.

9 - Dreaming of hair

If the hair grows in your dreams, it is a sign related to the power. It may be time to reveal a buried part of your ardent and vigorous personality.

10 - Dreaming of teeth

Getting your teeth to loose or lose them is a very common nightmare. He is intimately bound up with a brooding frustration or an unconscious fear of death. You are afraid to accuse the impact of time on your health, stop being fatalistic!

11 - Dreaming of cats

The cat is a symbol of felinity and domesticity but also of sensitivity and secrets well guarded, it is not for nothing that one says to give one's language to the cat. It is given a certain address which indicates a proven know-how.

12 - Dreaming of ants

Dreaming of this fascinating worker insect, relates to your work. This can be the sign of a neurotic anxiety, the extent of a labor awaiting you, a psychic state turned upside down, or an agitation that undermines the unconscious.