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If You Have Bad Breath, That's What It Means!

If You Have Bad Breath, That's What It Means!

If You Have Bad Breath

Bad breath is a taboo subject and delicate to approach for the person who suffers from it and for its entourage. Most often, bad breath is caused by poor hygiene, pathology or untreated decay. When exhaling or during a discussion, the air we expel through the mouth and nose may have an unpleasant odor. Discover in this article 5 types of bad breath and what your body is trying to tell you through each type.

Halitosis is a fairly widespread phenomenon and affects about 25-50% of the population, according to a medical survey. In 85 to 90% of cases, bad breath is caused by the development of bacteria in the mouth and on the surface of the tongue. Caries, gingivitis, periodontal disease, angina, oral fungal infections and food residues left on the tongue or in some parts of the mouth can also cause bad breath.

What are the main causes of bad breath?

According to Dr. Harold Katz, bacteriologist, dentist and founder of California Breath Clinics, poor oral hygiene is not the main cause of bad breath. In fact, morning bad breath is mostly associated with dry mouth during sleep. Not producing enough saliva to remove the bacteria, the mouth expels an unpleasant breath.

If you notice this bad breath only in the mornings, you have nothing to fear. Just brush your teeth in the right way and with the right material. But if you find that the scent lasts throughout the day, this is an alarming sign and you should consult with your dentist.

Some medications such as antihistamines, antidepressants, and high blood pressure medications can cause dry mouth. It is therefore advisable to drink plenty of water and brush your teeth after each meal and if this problem persists do not hesitate to talk to your doctor.

Poor nutrition, digestive problems, tobacco and alcohol are also enemies of our breath. Not to mention the nose and sinus problems that are more common than you think.

In other cases, our body tries to send us messages and signs to inform us that something is not working well.

Here are 5 types of bad breath and what they can reveal about your health

A breath that smells naphthalene: You may have sinusitis, nasopharyngeal discharge or allergies. When sinusitis becomes chronic, it allows the bacteria of the mouth to transform the proteins of the mucus into a toxic product known as skatole.

A breath that feels the fruits: This may be a sign of diabetes. Normally, the sugar that circulates in your bloodstream passes through the cells and it is transformed into energy thereafter. If this process does not go well, blood glucose increases and your cells looking for energy, start burning fat in your body. This process leads to a production of ketone bodies that give your breath that fruity smell. Your doctor will ask you to test your blood glucose level, if you see this kind of breath in your home.

A breath that smells like curd: You are probably allergic to lactose. If this is the case, your body does not digest well the proteins found in dairy products. Generally, other symptoms accompany this kind of allergy such as diarrhea, cramps and gas.

A breath that smells dirty: Bacteria and food residues can get lodged in the tonsils and cause a very bad odor. Consult a doctor for proper treatment.

A breath that smells rotten: If your mouth feels very bad, a lung disease may be the cause. The problem can range from an infection to lung cancer. Be extremely vigilant with this kind of signs.

How to prevent and fight bad breath?

Bad breath is a pathology that can have very important social repercussions. This is why you should consult a doctor. Here are some tips and hints that will help you prevent and fight bad breath:
  • Brush teeth after meals (at least twice a day)
  • Eating high-fiber foods to eliminate oral bacteria and stimulate saliva production
  • Use mouthwashes
  • Avoid drugs that cause dry mouth
  • Stopping alcohol and tobacco
  • To drink a lot of water
  • Clean your nose with salt water