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Here's How to avoid ovarian cyst?

Here's How to avoid ovarian cyst?

How to avoid ovarian cyst?

An ovarian cyst is similar to a small bag filled with fluid that is located on or in the ovary. A large number of women develop at least one cyst during their lifetime. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, ovarian cysts appear mainly during perimenopause.

Very common, ovarian cysts are usually painless, we speak of asymptomatic cysts, and rarely serious, most of them disappear over time and do not necessarily require treatment. On the other hand, when some cysts break, they can cause unsustainable pain.

What is an ovarian cyst?

The ovaries contain several types of follicles that contain the ova. At each menstrual cycle, these follicles develop following the secretion of hormones by the brain. On the fourteenth day of the cycle, the most developed follicle releases an egg in the tubes, this is ovulation.
Once emptied, this same follicle remains on the surface of the ovary and releases a large amount of progesterone, it is the corpus luteum. Generally, it reabsorbs after a few weeks.

When the follicles develop, small balls appear, if they measure more than three centimeters, then it is called ovarian cyst. Most of the time they are not painful and are visible to the pelvic ultrasound. This method remains the most efficient to date to locate them and analyze their characteristics. Depending on the aspect and size, it is possible to determine whether it is an organic or functional cyst.

There are two types of ovarian cysts, 75% are organic cysts and 25% are functional cysts.

Functional cysts develop in women between puberty and menopause, they regress at the end of the cycle and are always benign. As for the organic cysts, they concern the older women who have passed the menopausal stage. They do not regress but are usually mild too.

Although they are often painless, some symptoms may occur, bleeding outside the menstrual period, pelvic pain and low abdominal pain, among others. In case of more severe symptoms, it is advisable to consult a doctor immediately to take charge of a possible complication.

How To Relieve Ovarian Cysts Pain ?

Castor oil
If the cyst causes severe abdominal pain, gently massage the belly with castor oil, cover with a clean cloth or towel and place a warm kettle on it. Castor oil removes toxins, stimulates the lymphatic system and accelerates the dissolution of cysts.
This tip is discouraged during menstruation as well as women who wish to conceive a child.

The cider vinegar
Known for its antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic properties, cider vinegar acts as a cleansing agent for the cyst.

A cider vinegar drink can be effective, just dilute a teaspoon of cider vinegar in a glass of warm water and drink two glasses a day until the cyst disappears.

The Chamomile
Chamomile herbal teas are strongly recommended in cases of ovarian cysts and pain. Thanks to its gentle and natural sedative effect, chamomile relieves pain and stimulates blood flow in the pelvic area.

Infuse two teaspoons of dried chamomile into a cup of hot water for five minutes. Add a teaspoon of organic honey and sip the herbal tea. It is advisable to drink three cups a day of this infusion.

Thanks to the betcyanins it contains, beetroot is the ideal ally of the liver because it makes it possible to purify, clean and eliminate the toxins of the organism. Moreover, the fact that it is alkaline tends to balance the internal activity of the body and to reduce the effect of the symptoms of the ovarian cyst.

Make a beetroot juice mixing a beetroot and a little filtered water and mix the obtained juice with a tablespoon of aloe vera gel and a tablespoon of molasses. Consume this drink in the morning on an empty stomach until the pain is reduced or even disappears.

Epsom salt
Rich in magnesium, Epsom salt relaxes the muscles and relieves pain, especially the one related to the ovarian cyst.

To do this, fill a bath with hot water, add a cup of salt and mix well until completely dissolved salt. Immerse in the bath for about 20 minutes.