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After Starting To Consume Only These 2 Ingredients, I Never Regained Weight.

After Starting To Consume Only These 2 Ingredients, I Never Regained Weight.

Consume Only These 2 Ingredients, I Never Regained Weight.

Weight has become the beast of our societies, everywhere and all day long our ears are muffled and our eyes attacked by the media and the advertising campaigns that constantly relate the subject of the weight, the line, the silhouette, Creams and slimming diets. In short, the weight is combined with all the sauces.

By dint of evoking this subject people are increasingly aware and aware of the importance of health and its close connection with weight. Moreover, doctors of all specialties combined (cardiologists, rheumatologists, pneumologists, etc.) strongly advise the weight loss

For the proper functioning of our body and discourages the famous yoyo effect. To avoid this effect, here is a natural recipe composed of 2 ingredients: flaxseed and clove. These 2 elements will help you maintain your weight and lose the extra pounds.

This recipe is for maintaining shape and weight loss

When you have sweet or savory cravings at a fairly high frequency and you still want it because you feel that this desire is not fully satisfied it reflects stress or the presence of parasites in your stomach.

These 2 ingredients are enough to destroy fat stocks and purify your body from parasites. There are two sources of energy in the body, glycogen (sugars) and proteins (muscles). The way your body draws its energy sources can change the process of your weight loss.


To prepare this recipe, you need these 2 ingredients:
  • 100 grams of flaxseed
  • 10 grams of cloves
With the help of a Blender, mix the two ingredients. Take two spoons of this mixture every morning for three consecutive days. You can mix it with water or incorporate it into your breakfast.

Ideally, follow this recipe for 3 days then suspend the mixture for the next 3 days to rest the body and take the recipe after these 3 days break and so on until reaching a month. After this month has passed, you will see the difference.

This purifier will help you get rid of parasites from your body.
To accentuate the effect of this recipe, associate it with physical activity.

Benefits of the recipe ingredients:

Flax seeds
Flaxseed is an inexhaustible source of energy, vitamins, nutrients and minerals essential to the health of our body. Here are some beneficial effects on the body:

Prevents cardiovascular disease: This seed intervenes in the reduction of excess cholesterol and consequently the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. These seeds avoid the diseases of the arteries and this by integrating them into your diet, at the rate of 20 grams of ground flax seeds. But be sure to ask your doctor for advice.

Excellent slimming ally: Flax seeds have a high capacity of Omega3, good fats, that are found in fatty fish such as sardines and salmon, rapeseed oil or in some dried fruits such as nuts. Contrary to our beliefs, fats are not all bad on a diet, on the contrary, the body needs the Omegas 3 that are found in flaxseed to help it destroy bad fats. In addition, flax flour is a good appetite suppressant; In contact with water, it swells and fills part of the stomach, causing a sensation of satiety.

Intestinal transit: Flax seed is an excellent natural laxative, its formula rich in substances that make the stools heavy by extracting water from the food consumed, helps to reduce the difficulties of intestinal evacuation and to limit the constipation.

Known for its effects on toothache, the clove has more than one rope to its bow:

Relieves muscle pain: massaging your muscles after physical exertion with essential clove oil soothes them if you respect the dosage.

Fat burner: it acts initially as an appetite suppressant thanks to its strong flavor. Rich in fiber and low in calories, it helps promote digestion and put an end to bloating. Also its high content of vitamin C, minerals and trace elements helps to achieve very quickly satiety.

Warning about the ingredients of the recipe:
Clove: It is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women or for children under 12 years of age. Obviously, like any element, it should not be abused.

Flax seeds: They are not recommended for people who are allergic to sesame seeds, people suffering from a blood disease or who are receiving treatment. Always ask your doctor and do not exceed a spoon a day.