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This Boy Has A High Fever And Keeps Crying - So His Mother Realizes The Fatal Mistake Of Doctors

This Boy Has A High Fever And Keeps Crying - So His Mother Realizes The Fatal Mistake Of Doctors

This Boy Has A High Fever And Keeps Crying - So His Mother Realizes The Fatal Mistake Of Doctors

Fever is one of the most common symptoms that illustrates an abnormal increase in body temperature. It is a natural reaction of the body to fight infections. But to reduce it, one must know how to react effectively and not to practice self-medication.

This mother took her son to the doctor after this symptom but the doctors made a fatal mistake, learn his story!

The terrible story of the child of Haley Lyons:

Hayley Lyons is from Warrington, England. His son, Lewis, has chicken pox and a high fever. Faced with the intensity of the symptoms, she decides to take her to the ER.

The doctor prescribed ibuprofen to the boy to alleviate his pain and reduce the fever. The mother trusting the attending physician gives Lewis the medication.

But after taking ibuprofen, Lewis's condition gets worse. Fever persists despite treatment and Hayley decides to take her son to the ER a second time, only the doctors who took care of the little boy send her back home.

However, she goes to a second hospital. This time, Lewis is diagnosed with a severe infection.

The little boy is actually suffering from septicemia, that is to say a generalized infection of the organism, potentially fatal and of bacterial origin. Skin superinfection is a common complication of chickenpox, but its most severe development is septicemia and circulatory failure. These serious complications can cause the patient's prognosis.

To warn parents, Hayley then posts a message on Facebook, to educate them about the precautions and prohibitions of certain drugs during chicken pox. She hopes that this will not happen again, especially in relation to her son's friends, also suffering from chicken pox.

She begins by saying that ibuprofen should not be given to a child with chicken pox. Then she explains the misadventure of Lewis and that it is not one but four different doctors who confirmed the prescription of ibuprofen.

It was only when she went to another hospital that the other doctors told her that this type of anti-inflammatory drug should not be given in chickenpox because it causes severe skin infection.

Now, Lewis is better but only thanks to the perseverance of his parents because they had the vivacity to take him to pediatric emergency.

Hayley later discovered that on the box of ibuprofen it is notified that it should not be taken during a chickenpox. The only medication authorized to reduce fever, and pain, is paracetamol as confirmed by the site of the French Health Insurance.

Here are some explanations on eruptive diseases during childhood, so you can avoid the complications at best.

Infantile and eruptive diseases:

Infantile diseases include various eruptive diseases such as rubella, measles and chicken pox.

Chickenpox is a very contagious but benign infantile disease. It is caused by the varicella-zoster virus. The symptoms begin with the appearance of small pink spots, which quickly turn into blisters filled with a transparent liquid. These bullous lesions eventually dry and form crusts. Consult your doctor for prescribing a local liquid antiseptic as well as paracetamol in case of fever and pain.

Measles is caused by a virus of the paramyxovirus family. It is an acute viral infection whose symptoms are: fever, cough but also puffy eyes and the appearance of the sign of Köplick, that is to say white spots inside the mouth at the level Cheeks that last about a day. Then comes the rash of red patches on the whole body in 3-4 days. Spontaneously cured of this disease after a certain time, vaccination is the best prevention.

Rubella is also a contagious rash that sometimes goes unnoticed because it resembles other viral diseases. It is characterized by a moderate fever, muscle and joint pain as well as ganglions in the neck. It is safe for children, but when contracted by a pregnant woman, fetal malformations may occur. The only effective treatment to date is MMR vaccination (which combines measles, mumps and rubella).

In addition, some hygiene precautions can be taken in this kind of disease to avoid complications related to rash as:
  • Use a mild soap when showering,
  • Carefully dry the child's skin, avoiding rubbing,
  • Cut the nails and clean them well,
  • Possibly wear gloves,
  • Never use talc, powders or creams as they promote superinfection,
  • Use a local liquid antiseptic prescribed by a health care professional.