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9 Symptoms Of A Silent Killer That Should Not Be Ignored

9 Symptoms Of A Silent Killer That Should Not Be Ignored

9 Symptoms Of A Silent Killer That Should Not Be Ignored

Cancer is one of the most serious and life-threatening diseases of our era. Existing in several types each affecting a particular body or body tissue, its tumors can spread in our body, if not treated in time. In this article, we will shed light on stomach cancer, its causes and symptoms that can help diagnose it.

What is stomach cancer?

Gastric cancer or stomach cancer develops from the mucosa of this organ, whose cells begin to multiply rapidly and anarchically, causing the appearance of tumors. If they are not diagnosed and treated early, they may spread to other parts of the body such as the pancreas, colon, spleen or lymph nodes. By reaching the final stage, also called metastasis, cancer cells can also affect the liver and lungs.

Touching each year more than 6,500 people, more than half of whom are men, this type of cancer is considered the 4th leading cause of death in Europe and the 2nd largest in the world. What are the causes of its development?

What are the risk factors for stomach cancer?

Although the causes of this type of cancer have not been determined accurately, there are nevertheless risk factors contributing to its development, including the following:

A genetic predisposition: certain genetic genes make the body susceptible to developing specific types of cancer. These genes are transmitted from generation to generation.

Family history: If a close family member (parents, aunts, uncles or siblings) has been diagnosed with stomach cancer, you have a higher risk of developing it in turn.

Smoking: Nicotine, along with the other harmful chemical components of cigarettes and smoke coming into the stomach, increases the production of gastric juices and slows down the cell renewal of the mucosa. The stomach, which causes its irritation and promotes the development of cancer.
According to several scientific studies, the longer and more intense the smoking, the greater the risk of cancer.

Unbalanced diet: excessive consumption of red meat, salty and smoked foods irritates the gastric mucosa and increases the risk of stomach cancer. In addition, a diet low in fruits and vegetables does not allow an adequate intake of fiber, which help improve digestion and preserve the stomach.

Contamination with Helicobacter Pylori: responsible for nearly 80% of cases of gastric cancer, this bacterial infection causes a chronic inflammation of the mucosa which, untreated, can develop into cancer.

Age: the risk of developing stomach cancer increases from age 50.

Gender: Men are more likely to develop this type of cancer than women.

What are the symptoms that may indicate gastric cancer?

It is true that cancer of the stomach does not show early signs that can signal the presence of a tumor. However, it is essential to remain vigilant and to consult urgently with the appearance of the following symptoms:
  • Heartburn
  • Frequent indigestion
  • Recurrent digestive disorders such as constipation or diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain, especially in the upper abdomen
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Bloating after meals
  • Loss of appetite
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Presence of blood in the stool.

How can we prevent the risk of developing cancer ?

To reduce your risk of developing stomach cancer, you must limit your exposure to your external risk factors. Begin by adopting a healthy and balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables with high fiber content that improve digestion and transit, and antioxidants that fight free radicals and promote cell renewal. If you are a smoker, stop immediately. According to a scientific study, the risk of having gastric cancer only drops significantly after 10 years of nicotine withdrawal.