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If You Have Already Used Your Smartphone At Night, You Should Know This!

If You Have Already Used Your Smartphone At Night, You Should Know This!

Used Your Smartphone At Night

Many of us use our smartphones throughout the day. We like to browse the Internet, play or use a new application and see photos even before going to bed. But what most of us do not know is that using smartphones at night is a bad habit that can harm our health.

Several studies and studies have focused on this phenomenon. The researchers looked at the side effects of using smartphones nightly on our health and well-being and the results are not satisfactory. Almost all research advise to turn off and put away any electronic device before bed as it can cause illness as well as sleep disorders. However, you have probably already heard about the radiation and electromagnetic rays of smartphones and their impact on the human body, it adds to the blue light emitted by these phones that can cause serious disorders and health problems. Here are 3 good reasons why you should stop using your smartphone at night.

3 reasons to stop using a smartphone at night:

1 - Insomnia and sleep disorders:

According to a study by Swedish and American researchers, blue light emitted by mobile phones delays sleep, causing headaches, depression, mood disorders and concentration. This light inhibits the production of melatonin hormone, which plays an important role in promoting sleep, and this can trigger insomnia and sleep disorders. In addition, lack of sleep can also cause various diseases and conditions, such as weight gain, memory disorders, aging skin, depression and cardiovascular problems. So if you've got into the habit of getting into bed while having your phone, stop today and replace this bad habit with a small relaxation session or try reading a book as an alternative.

2 - Eye damage:

Exposure to blue light at night may damage the retina, cause vision problems or dry eyes that may lead to infection or inflammation of the eyes. This light actually allows you to clearly see your screen, but can also damage your eyes.

According to a recent study, the nocturnal use of a smartphone can be responsible for macular degeneration and development of cataracts.

To fall asleep easily, calm your mind by meditating a few minutes. This exercise is excellent for health; It will help you to master your body and your thoughts. Imagine yourself in a place you love and even spread a perfume or smell and think back to a pleasant moment of a period of your life. Guaranteed results!

3 - Increase the risk of cancer:

Prolonged exposure to blue light during the night leads to sleep disorders and insomnia, which increases the risk of cancer and especially those of the breast and prostate. When melatonin levels drop continually overnight, this hormone can not protect your body from these cancers and this causes serious health problems. Melatonin has been shown to significantly slow the development of cancerous tumors.

In addition, a long and profound study has been carried out by the University of Tel Aviv on the relationship and link between smartphones and the risks of cancer. This study, published in 2008, indicated that if a person speaks on the phone more than 266.3 hours in his life, cancer risks can increase by 49% and regular use of the mobile phone for more than 5 years increases the risks Of cancer by 34%.

In addition, we offer some tips to help you fall asleep easily and stay healthy:

Turn off your tablet, smartphone, computer, and other electronic devices at least one hour before going to sleep and do not keep them in your bedroom or children's rooms.
  • Gradually lower the lights in your home
  • Switch off the power strips and avoid putting on alarm clocks close to you
  • Respect Sleep Cycles
  • Avoid foods that contain caffeine and alcohol at least 4 hours before going to bed
  • Practice meditation every day
  • Eat light in the evening
  • Choose a good quality mattress
  • Keep your room at a good temperature