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This Doctor Reveals How To Remove Fat From Your Belly

This Doctor Reveals How To Remove Fat From Your Belly

How To Remove Fat From Your Belly

There are several causes of body fat accumulation and weight gain such as lack of physical activity, poor diet, hormones, contraception or pregnancy. Source of complex, weight gain is visible at different areas of the body such as the belly. Here is the advice of Dr. Armand Vignol, nutritionist to remove belly fat.

Abdominal fat is one of the most complicated to eliminate. Judged unsightly, it is also bad for the health in general. It can cause cardiovascular disorders, including hypertension and stroke, as well as diabetes and various cancers. It is therefore essential to get rid of it and regain a healthy weight. Here's how!

Recommendations to remove belly fat

Choosing the right exercises

To lose weight, physical activity is important. However, when it comes to targeting a particular area, some exercises should be avoided, such as abdominals. Indeed, although they can strengthen the abdominal muscles, it is important to choose what type of abdominals to have a flat stomach. A bad choice can lead to a simple transformation of fat into muscles and not a loss of weight.

Make muscle building

Muscle building techniques help to lose weight while refining and firming muscles. Indeed, your stamina will be increased and you will burn more fat. In addition, associated with cardio exercises, your weight loss will be stimulated.

Balance your diet

In addition to sport, it is essential to eliminate abdominal fat to rebalance its diet. Choose lean and vegetable proteins as well as seasonal fruits and vegetables. When it comes to the fats and starches that are essential for the body to function properly, choose olive oil, avocado and wholegrain products. Also remember to hydrate yourself properly to remove toxins from your body.

Reduce your carbohydrate intake

For carbohydrates, be sure to reduce their amount. Indeed, this will allow the body to tap into its reserves to obtain energy.

Nature also offers us products with slimming properties that act as supplements for weight loss and improve overall health. To give you an overview of these benefits, here is the recipe for a 100% natural burn-fat drink!

The recipe for a powerful fat-burning drink

  • 1 liter of water
  • 5 tablespoons lemon juice
  • ½ tablespoon ginger powder
  • ½ tablespoon cayenne pepper
  • ½ tablespoon of turmeric


First, start by heating the water and then arrange the other ingredients in a glass bottle. Then pour the water into it and mix the mixture. Finally, consume two glasses a day of this drink for about ten days to eliminate abdominal fat.

Benefits of the ingredients:

Ginger: Thanks to its thermogenic action, ginger stimulates weight loss because the body uses its fat reserves to find the necessary energy to regulate its body temperature. In addition, it relieves digestive disorders and treats bloating and flatulence. However, ginger is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women and weak people.

Turmeric: Particularly used in Indian cuisine, turmeric can fight against various conditions such as digestive disorders and some types of cancer with its anti-inflammatory properties. Moreover, its richness in vitamin C boosts the metabolism which favors the burning of fats.

Lemon: Having multiple uses for both cooking and beauty, lemon is also a powerful ally slimming. Indeed, it is rich in vitamin C and dietary fiber that allow better fat burning and provide a feeling of lasting satiety. However, it is not recommended for people with ulcers, digestive disorders, kidney problems or citrus allergy.

Cayenne pepper: Beyond its pungent taste, Cayenne pepper has therapeutic and slimming properties because it causes a rise in body temperature, in the same way as ginger. This is due to its content of capsaicin, an active ingredient in the heating and regulating action of blood glucose.